Chapter 49: The Breakthrough

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"I can't believe you Odette! I am NOT putting up with this drama with you anymore! Just LEAVE!...I will find my own way home..." Logan yelled, not caring who could hear.

Logan looked so angry that Odette slowly backed away from him towards the door.

"Logan you need to calm's not good for you after the accident and all..." Odette began as she continued to back away from Logan.

"I won't calm down until you are on a plane and heading back to Paris! Do you have any idea how much trouble you are causing? Don't you think we have been through enough? I really don't believe you are pregnant with my child didn't even like me sleeping in the same bed as you when I had been drinking...but the truth is going to come out...and maybe then we will find out why are you constantly on the phone to my mother! What's going on there? ......Hmmmm! You suddenly seem very quiet!...Don't worry, Colin is very close to bringing you undone...we don't buy your reason for not wanting a second paternity's only a matter of time..."

Odette had kept backing out the door and didn't realise how close to the edge of the pool she was. As she went to open her mouth to respond to Logan, he yelled out to tell her to be careful but she slipped and fell backwards into the water!

Coming up for air, she spluttered, "You'll pay for this Logan Huntzberger! My Christian Dior outfit is ruined! Oh no my Manolo Blahnik alligator pumps! Just as well I didn't have my new Hermes Birkin Bag with me today! .....You are the most uncaring, infuriating man I have ever met! The chlorine in this water has probably stripped the colour out of my highlights and I just had them done!"

Logan could see that Odette was quite alright so rather than stay around for another deluge of abuse and risk accidentally laughing in her face, he powered off towards the exit.

"Au revoir!" He said as he saw her emerge from the pool, a dripping, angry mess!

Logan pulled his phone out to call Finn for a lift home, "Finn, any chance you could swing by the hospital and give me a lift home?" Logan asked, "There's been a bit of an incident..."

"Sure everything alright with Rory?" Finn sounded concerned.

"She's fine...there was an Odette situation and she took off again!" Logan explained, "I'll just be waiting at the front entrance. I'll fill you in when you get here."

Logan wished he had snapped a photo of Odette getting out of the pool to send to Rory —it would have made her day! Even though he sat there feeling like he could break out into laughter every time he thought of the bedraggled Odette, Logan knew that he had to face Rory and really have a serious discussion that would reassure her that she didn't need to feel threatened by Odette at all.

Logan decided to try calling Rory but she wasn't picking up. He left a message:

Ace, I'm so sorry about Odette. I know it looked bad but I was just trying to get rid of her. I just want to talk. I love you so much! Finn is bringing me home soon. Lx

Having to wait for a lift reminded Logan of his old employee and driver Frank. He missed being able to call on Frank because he was always so reliable! Not sure how long Finn would be, he decided to call Frank, just for a chat.

"Frank! I was just thinking of you and thought I'd give you a call! How have you been?" Logan asked.

"Mr Huntzberger! Lovely to hear from you! I have really missed you's not the same around here without you." Frank said sincerely.

"I was just needing to be somewhere and thought of you —you know if you would be prepared to move to Australia for a while, I'd love to have you work for me again..."

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