Chapter 32: Filling In The Gaps

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Logan's eyes suddenly lit up and his mouth broke out into a huge smile, the very one Rory had been longing to see.

"You're're pregnant Ace? ....I'm going to be a dad....we're going to be parents!..... Well that's just the best news!..... I knew there was something different about you!" Logan said looking for signs of a baby bump then pulling Rory near for a kiss.

"Yes I agree...I'm definitely different! Apart from looking 11 years older....yes it's true...I am pregnant.....believe me I've already gone through the morning sickness to prove it!" Rory replied, pleased that Logan appeared happy about the news but having concerns over what he would ask next.

"You look really great Ace...even more beautiful than I remember! .....So how far along are we?"

"Thirteen due date is July 7....I have the ultrasound pictures in my bag!" Rory said as she pulled out a copy for Logan to see.

"Wow! I just can't believe it Ace...this is our child! .....So had we been trying for a baby?" Logan asked.

Rory knew that now things could become really difficult. Answering that question would only lead to more and she was afraid about where the answers would lead her but just in time, she was saved by the nurse announcing that Logan was going off for some scans and he was probably going to be moved to a ward after that.

"We'll talk later Logan —I might go and grab something for morning tea," Rory said, leaning over to kiss him.

"Ok, take care and make sure you're eating enough for two!" Logan joked, not wanting to take his eyes off Rory as he was wheeled out of the ICU.

Rory headed off outside, deciding that a walk would help her with the anxious feeling that was growing inside her. She was so scared about what lay ahead for her.  While Logan seemed happy about the baby, there were many things he didn't know. She didn't know how much longer she could hold off before she would have to reveal all the details.  As she walked along the street, looking for a cafe, she decided she would call Laura.

"Oh hi there Rory," Laura said in her upbeat Australian accent, "How are things at the hospital?"

"Well that's what I wanted to run by you. It was so great seeing you at the beach and you encouraged me so much but since seeing Logan, I am feeling kind of worried again," Rory confessed.

"Ok, go on and I'll see if I can help," Laura replied knowing if she couldn't help, there was someone she could call on who would definitely help.

"Logan still has the amnesia but also discovered that he can't move his legs. The doctor hopes it is just temporary due to a lot of bruising around his lower spinal cord, but I am scared for him!" Rory started to sound tearful.

"Look it is all a waiting game after a fall like that and I know it is very scary but given time, things will heal and gradually he will start to see and feel improvement." Laura sounded empathetic but confident.

"Yeah the doctor kind of said the same but the thing I am most worried about is our relationship....I told him about the baby and he seemed really excited....then he started asking questions and I was thankful that the nurse interrupted our talk to take him off for scans! I am so scared of how he will react when he finds out the truth about the last eleven years! How much should I even tell him? Will it be bad for his recovery? Should I leave things out? I am just so scared of losing him! Right now it's really great to have the old Logan back...the one who was so in love with me and no-one else."

"Hey I know it is hard but the best thing is to take everything moment by moment and just be honest. It will do him more harm if he thinks people are hiding things and the truth will eventually come out in the end. It's really best if he hears it from you. That being said, it would be overwhelming for Logan to hear too much more sounds like he has already had a lot to process. Maybe try to divert his attention if you can and spread out the story over several visits. But I guess if he wants to know things, you need to tell him."

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