Chapter 59: Paradise

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Queensland continued to deliver perfect weather and incredible sights for Rory and Logan as they explored the beauty of the tropics. There was so much to see and do but plenty of opportunities to just relax and enjoy each other without the pressures of the outside world. Hot, humid nights continued to bring broken sleep for Rory while Logan seemed to be sleeping better than he had for months, probably due to all of the extra physical activity he was engaging in. Perhaps just feeling so happy and content was a positive for him too.

Day three of Logan and Rory's honeymoon brought good news - finally their luggage had been returned to the airport and would be delivered to their resort by lunchtime! Rory was so pleased because she had found it very challenging to find suitable maternity wear. She had been channeling her inner hippy with the style of dresses she had been wearing each day!

The previous day, the couple had boarded a glass bottom boat which took them on a 45 minute journey all the way out to Green Island - a tropical coral cay on the Great Barrier Reef and surrounded by white sandy beaches and sapphire blue waters.

They thoroughly enjoyed viewing the amazing reef from the boat and once on the island, they checked out the unique rainforest and the many unusual native plant species. Logan had insisted they visit Marineland Melanesia, home to the largest saltwater crocodile in the world! Rory could hardly bear to look at the 5.5 metre beast but Logan loved it! There were around 50 other crocodiles of various sizes, none of which impressed Rory but she bravely stuck it out for the sake of seeing her husband's excited face. The fish were more appealing to Rory as she had always wanted to find 'Nemo' and 'Dory'!

Tired after their day exploring the reef, the couple decided to just relax around the resort and would head to the beach once the luggage arrived. Logan had enjoyed being able to swim every day in the warm pools. Frank was always on hand to assist with getting in and out of the water but was basically just able to enjoy having a holiday himself.

Logan was continuing with his hydrotherapy exercises which were so much easier now that he had regained movement. He could easily stand in the pool and as his leg muscles strengthened, he felt that it wouldn't be long before he was walking! Rory joined him for the exercise and they made it fun by playing music from Logan's phone. She was sure they must have looked hilarious doing aqua aerobic moves to songs like Drake's 'One Dance'.

Logan usually stayed in the water for much longer than Rory so when she became tired, she enjoyed just watching him from the sun lounge. Logan's upper body strength was amazing since the accident and as he stood in the pool stretching, she couldn't help enjoying the sight of his muscles rippling under his wet, slightly tanned skin. His unshaved face just looked more handsome than ever.

"What are you looking at Ace?" Logan asked, aware that her eyes were on him.

"Just you...What can I say? I like looking at my husband..." Rory said, then suddenly appearing coy, she turned away.

Logan loved that even after all of this time, Rory could feel shy but he suddenly realised she was possibly pretending to be shy as a way of flirting with him. He splashed a little water in her direction, then looked the other way, playing innocent.

"Logan! You wet my towel!" Rory complained walking over to get back in the pool - it was time for revenge!

While Logan's back was turned, Rory snuck up behind him then as he turned, she inundated him with splashes!

Rory didn't know but Logan had it all planned from the first splash. He had her where he wanted her and it was no use struggling as he reached out and launched a tickle offensive - carefully of course because of the baby but within seconds she was appealing for him to stop!

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