Chapter Seven: Professor Port's Class

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You slowly rose up from your bed, stretching your muscles before rubbing your eye trying to get the sleepiness out of them. You looked over and noticed the sun had risen up due to the rays of light shining through the curtains, you sighed remembering the events that had transpired yesterday and wondered what today was going to bring. Just when you were planning on getting out of the bed you felt movement and looked down and gasped, it was Rider you forgot you and her were sharing a bed.

You noticed she was wearing a grey tank top, but there was something you noticed that made you fearful.

Your Thoughts: Where's here eye cover?

You slowly looked around trying to find her cover just in case she opened her eyes because you did not want to become a stone statue, especially with Rider telling you and the others that she couldn't reverse it. Slowly you got out of bed on the other side before walking towards the others.

Y/N Whispering: Cu..... Cu Chulain.... Cu Chulain......... Mario Mario.


Cu Chulain suddenly yelled, leaping up off his bed in a simple muscle shirt and shorts while also holding Gae Bolg, you quickly shushed him to be quiet before wondering who Leonard Nimoy was, you then motioned towards Rider who had turned over. That's when Cu Chulain realized with fear in his eyes and understood your the situation. 

Cu Chulain: We need to wake up.

You nodded before the two of you went over to your other sleeping friend who was hugging his axe-sword while he slept snoring quietly while also mumbling things as well.

Herald's Mumbling: *snores* chop, chop, chop break bones *snores* crack everyone's ribs *snores* I think Madea's a lesbian because she's obsessed with someone named Artoria *snores* I think I'm in lo--*snores*

You and Cu Chulain were confused about this, but hearing something about Madea gave Cu Chulain a thought at hand about his other friend. He then nudged you forward to wake him confusing you.

Y/N: You wake him up he's your friend!

Cu Chulain: No you wake him up.

Y/N: Rock Paper Scissors then!

You guys did at the count of three with you coming out the loser, you growled using paper instead of rock but ignored it. You carefully nudged Herald once, nothing happened so you tapped him on the shoulder and still nothing happened. That's when you quietly whispered his name which was a bad idea because the next thing you knew Herald tackled you apparently still asleep and was yelling things while trying to hit you with his weapons, apparently having a strange nightmare.



Herald suddenly tackled Cu Chulain across the room and started trying to smash him with his weapon, you saw this and tried to help your friends. 

Y/N: Herald, wake up you're having a bad--WAIT NO PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!!!!

But the only you accomplished was getting smacked through the window and landing on the hard ground with a loud thud.

All of this commotion was loud enough to wake Rider from her peaceful slumber she slowly rubbed her eyes before reaching over towards the nightstand and picked up a pair of glasses and putting them on. Opening her gold colored eyes she looked at Cu Chulain getting punched to death by Herald, who kept yelling spiders over and over.

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