Chapter Thirty-Nine: Revelations and Support

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You leaned against a tree waiting for your friend to give his answer, you could tell that he wasn't afraid or nervous from his calm expression and his aura seemed calm as well now. So why wasn't he using his semblance now, or was there something keeping him back from using it now. Thinking back to when he was being corrupted by Lancelot, maybe something did happen to where he couldn't use it.

Herald sighed knowing this conversation would come up eventually, the only reason he didn't talk about it was because he suspecting his semblance would return to normal eventually. But with how long it's been since the incident at Beacon it wasn't going so well.

Herald: Alright, I guess it's about time I truly explain my little problem with me not using my semblance.

Y/N: About time! Me and the others have really been worried about you, like you haven't been using it at the most useful times and you've been acting a bit more reckless than you usually do.

Herald laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his head from hearing this knowing what he was doing would soon draw attention to the others.

Herald: Yeah, that was also apart of my little scheme.

You looked confused now from hearing this, an eyebrow raised as well wondering what your friend was talking about now.

Y/N: What scheme?

Herald:.... The scheme which would allow me to use my semblance to it's fullest again.



Ren: Nora.... They've just been gone for about three minutes, please be patient with them as I believe Y/N is talking with Herald about something quite important.

Jaune: Like what?

Shirou: Isn't it obvious, he's probably asking Herald as to why he hasn't been using his semblance this entire time.

Ruby: Yeah, I've been getting worried about him because of it, he's been acting in my opinion... Reckless and sometimes.... Suicidal by the looks of it.

Jaune: Like that time when he leaped off that ledge and his aura levels were in the red?

Ruby: EXACTLY! I don't know what's going on with him but.... I wanna hear what they're talking about I'll be right back.

No one could say anything to the silver-eyed girl as she zoomed off heading back to where you and Herald were talking in record time. She hid behind a tree in order to keep you guys from detecting her while you guys talked.

Your Voice: Oh, that makes sense now.

~You and Herald~

You nodded your head after Herald explained to you his scheme, and you had to admit, even though it seemed quite insane it made quite a lot of sense due to Herald's being.

Y/N: Due to what happened you can only stay in your semblance for a couple of seconds, so you tried putting yourself in similar situations in order for you to fully activate your semblance again.

Herald nodded his head.

Herald: Yeah, the first time I activated my semblance I was kind on the brink of death when I suddenly felt this power surge through me and this feeling of anger and rage just building up within me in a desperate attempt to find a way out when.... I basically hulked out and turned into the monster you're use to seeing. But after I was corrupted, I just can't build up enough anger and power to go into it, it's like an inhibitor has been put on me.

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