Chapter Fifteen: Mission Impossible: Locker Room Problems

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Y/N: Ah.... Oh man... Nothing beats taking a nice hot shower after throwing food around!

Herald: You can say that again, still feel bad about what happened to Jaune during the fight.

Ren: Well, he would be fine if somebody didn't use him as a shield.

Y/N: Sorry, I couldn't find anything around me to use as a shield and Jaune was the closest thing near me!

Ren: Couldn't you have just used your aura to shield yourself?

Y/N: 0_0...... Riiiiiigggghhht

Cu Chulain: Humph, if he wants to be a huntsman he needs to be able to take a little pain.

Ren: Yes, but remember Jaune is still pretty inexperienced when it comes to certain kinds of combat.

Y/N: He needs to learn to dodge, I mean seriously how did not dodge the melons and bone? At least Pyrrha is going to help with his training.

Ren: Um.... Actually (Y/N)... Pyrrha believes it will be best if she just taught Jaune for now.

Y/N: Really why?

Ren: She saw the first training you and him did and she believes it's too much for him at the moment.

Herald: But it's just dodging.

Cu Chulain: Yeah, dodging arrows that have enough power to kill a Grimm in one shot.

Y/N: I'm holding back....

Cu Chulain: BARELY!

While you and Cu Chulain had continued arguing Herald and Ren were discussing something at the moment too.

Herald: What?

Ren: I will repeat what I have said, do you like Ruby?

Herald: Why are you asking me this question exactly?

Ren: I've seen the way she looks at you, the way she blushes at you, along with other reasons. Besides when you're doing training on your own haven't you been feeling a presence around you?

Herald: Yeah, but whenever I look for the person spying on me the only thing I find are...... Rose..... Petals..... Ooooohhhhh.

Ren: Yeah.

Herald: Ruby likes me..... I didn't know that!

Hearing this the black haired teen slipped on the wet floor causing you and Cu Chulain to notice the scene and wonder what was going on now.


Y/N: Did he just realize Ruby likes him, I knew from the time Herald fought that boarbatusk.



You nod your head before facepalming from your leader's stupidity.

Herald: Cu.... You--

Cu Chulain: Rider told me... Also, she said just to call her Rider because she feels more comfortable.

Ren: So as I've said before, do you like Ruby back?

You, Cu Chulain, and Ren looked at the brown haired teen who was looking down with nervousness before looking back up at them.

Herald: Well..... Maybe a little it's just.....

Cu Chulain: Just what *looks suspiciously at his friend*

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