Chapter Fourteen: Food Fight!

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It was finally the second semester was going to begin soon and everyone was at the moment in the cafeteria eating lunch, you weren't very hungry at the moment and was just watching videos on your scroll trying to pass the time by waiting for the period to end. You were wondering where Cu Chulain and Herald were at the moment probably talking to their friend Medea about her team again, you were even more shocked to hear that your cousin was on her team and that he went to Mistral, you had received a call from him yesterday and learned a little about his team.


Y/N: Cu Chulain..... We've been playing chess for 3hours now..... You haven't moved a piece since then...... So for the love of everything that I believe in...... MOVE A PIECE ALREADY!!!!

Cu Chulain: Shut up, I know what I'm doing don't rush me!

You and Cu Chulain had been playing a game of chess for what like an eternity now, you had taken almost all of his pawns but one, both of his knights, a rook, and a bishop. The bad part about it is that you don't really know how to play chess (If you know how to play chess please roll with it, I don't really know how).

Herald and Rider had gone out yet again to do their own things, Herald went to wait for his new weapon to come in and Rider had gone to the library to study in a quiet area. You were getting ready to go out and visit team CFVY once again when Cu Chulain had challenged you to a chess game. Since you didn't know anything about chess he thought you were going to lose easily, only for you to start dominating him in a game you didn't know a thing about.

Y/N: Any day now would be nice good sir.

Cu Chulain: Shut up already...... Um.... Okay, I've got it now *moves towards one of his remaining pawns* no, no, no, no not that one *moves hand away*


You sighed getting ready to flip the whole thing over and just leave before you felt your scroll in your pocket begin to vibrate. Taking it out you noticed it was someone you haven't spoken to in a while, you especially surprised with the caller ID. You smiled looking at the name before getting up, Cu Chulain was too busy with what move he should do that he didn't notice that you were leaving out of the room.

You stood in the hallway and answered the call.

Y/N: Haven't heard from you in a while, so how's it going..... Shirou?

Shirou: (Y/N) you are not going to believe this, I'm actually attending a school in Mistral, it's a blast and thanks to you and your training I've actually been doing pretty good in sparring class.

Y/N: That's great to hear, so what type of people are on your team, like what's your team name?

Shirou: The team is actually called Team MARS.

Hearing this you were shocked, you remembered Medea was on a team named that, you wondered now.

Y/N: Hey, is there anyone on your team named Medea?

Shirou: Yeah, she's actually the leader of the team who had been sent to Beacon early for the Vytal Festival, but the other members, well one of them I'm not too comfortable about.

Y/N: Why's that?

Shirou: Well, there's another girl on the team named Rin Tohsaka, and well she's.... Really aggressive--

Y/N: Just say it cuz.... She's a tsundere, isn't she?

Shirou: *sighs* In some ways she fits that case.

Y/N: What about your other teammate.

Shirou: Oh, he's actually alright and he's really helpful during sparring sessions, his name is Kojiro Sasaki better known as Assassin.

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