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I'm just going to say this now before I forget about this later on, but here's the thing about I am the Bone of Remnant. After I am done with the Volume 3 part of the story this story will be going on a hiatus for a while just until Volume 6 of RWBY comes out that way I can focus on my other stories.

Since RWBY usually comes back sometime in Fall this story will head into Volume 4 by then, so I'm probably going to be focused on finishing up this story before going back to my other works. 

Plus going on hiatus will give me time to come up with more ideas and maybe add some more Fate characters into the story as well.

Anyway that's all everyone have a great Summer up ahead.

I am the Bone of Remnant Volume 1: Archer Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now