Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Beacon Begins

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A couple more hours had gone by now, the sun had finally gone down with the dark sky becoming filled with mutliple stars. You smiled seeing this before getting up out of bed, after taking a bit of a cat nap you finally felt refreshed and relieved, grabbing your scroll and checking your aura levels you smiled seeing they were finally back in the green as you walked over to the door.

Your Thoughts: Finally... I thought it was going to be stuck like that forever, now I just need to sneak over to Herald's and see how he's doing and--

Suddenly the door burst open smacking you in the face and sending flying back on to your bed, you slowly got up and looked at the one who had opened it revealing to be the person you were talking about, and you noticed they had a big grin on their face.

Herald: Y/N Look at this!

Holding up his scroll you noticed his aura levels were in the green as well causing you to smile, it seems that the two of you really needed was some well deserved rest really. You noticed you could feel arms again as it seems they finally healed up as well to your relief. Removing the bandages covering your arms the two of you thought about the events that led up to that little situation before going back to Cu Chulain.

You were both wondering where your spear using friend was, surely he wasn't dead as he was much too tough for that to have happened. Plus Hrunting must have sent him flying quite far from where you guys were earlier.

Herald: I hope he's alright out there... But right now I think we should focus on the match that's taking place right now.

Y/N: Oh really, so who's going at it this time?

Herald: Pyrrha and that girl Penny that Ruby befriended, come on it's on right now in my room.

Y/N: Won't the nurses be--

Herald: They aren't even around right now so it's cool to move around for now.

You shrugged about this news before following your friend, the brown-haired teen was asking you who do you think would win. You had your thoughts that Pyrrha would come out on top even though you didn't know a thing about Penny, you just had a feeling she was going to win.

Herald: I don't know, I've seen a bit of what Penny can do and with those swords in her pack or whatever she might give Pyrrha a run for her money, but it's strange though.

Y/N: What is?

Herald: What's strange is Penny, she talks and acts strange and when she lies, she always hiccups for some reason.

Y/N: Really that is strange.

As the two of you walked into the Berserker's room, he grabbed the remote as the two of you were still talking about the situation the orange-haired girl.

Y/N: That does sound quite strange of her, almost like she's not even human.

Herald laughed from this before turning the TV on to the right channel it fizzed a moment trying to connect to the satellite as the two of you continued with your conversation.

Herald: Yeah right, it's not like she's a ROBOT?!


The two of you remained silent as the TV had come on to reveal the fight or what was supposed to the fight, which seemed to be over but not in the way the two of you were expecting it to end.

The two of you saw Pyrrha standing over Penny who had split in half by her own weapon somehow, her arms were chopped off as well causing the two of you to look on with a bit of horror now.

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