Chapter Thirteen: An Old Friend of Herald and Cu

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Y/N: Oh come on Rider... Please, could you tell me what your real name is, please?

Cu Chulain: I'm interested as well.

Herald: I will give you a hundred dollars to at least give us a hint about your name.

Rider: Why are you guys so interested in my name.

You, Cu Chulain, and Herald were all at the moment asking for Rider to tell you guys who actual name, you guys were close to begging. Well you and Cu Chulain were, Herald had pulled his wallet out and was showing off large amounts of money towards their pink haired teammate.

Y/N: Don't you trust us now?

Rider: Yes.

Herald: Aren't we your teammates?

Rider: Yes.

Cu Chulain: Do you secretly have a crush on me?

Y/N and Herald: 0_0 *Slowly moves away from Cu Chulain*

Rider: -_- *takes in a deep breath before releasing*

~Five Minutes Later involved with screaming and bones breaking~

Cu Chulain was on the floor at the moment, steam rising up from his head his eyes completely blank he was surrounded in a pool of his own blood. You and Herald were against the wall fear literally plastered on their faces as the two of you had just witnessed Rider beat up your teammate. Herald had gone to check his friend's pulse and sighed with relief that he felt one.

Herald: Okay.... Maybe we should stop before what happened to him happens to us.

Rider: No.... I think it's time you should know my name.

Y/N: Really?

Rider: Yes.... I've gotten to know you guys for quite a while now even though it's been a few days. Alright.... My real name.... Is actually Me--


All of you(except Cu Chulain) were startled to hear Ruby come bursting into your dorm out of the blue. She was breathing heavily as if she had run a marathon before she finally got her composer back up. 

Herald: Ruby, what's wrong?



Ruby: Blake and Weiss got into a fight.

Herald: Weiss started it?

Ruby: Yes.

Herald: Of course.

Ruby: Weiss and Blake were arguing about the White Fang and Blake then said "well maybe we were tired of being pushed around" then she leaped out the window!

Y/N: Okay, Ruby calm down, of course, we're going to help find her, me and Herald will check around town. Rider will go with you and your team and DON'T KILL WEISS OKAY!

Rider: No promises!

Ruby: Please don't attack her PLEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEE *Puppy eyes*

Rider: *Can't resist the eyes* Uh.... Fine.... I won't harm her.... But if she says anything insulting about Blake *pulls out chains and daggers* I cannot promise you then.

Ruby: Um..... What happened to Cu Chulain?

Y/N: Rider beat him up, he'll be out for the rest of the freaking day.... Alright, guys let's go.

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