Chapter Eighteen: The Dance

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Yang: A little to the left! A little more! A little more! A little more! Okay, okay to the right just a little--


Yang: Okay, okay just put it right there you two.

You and Cu Chulain were moving one of the largest stereos you have ever seen in the world into the room for the school dance. You guys wanted Herald to do it, but he was too busy trying to cheer Ruby up since Blake wasn't going to be coming to the dance. The two of you quickly put the speaker down which made quite an audible thud to it as well along with making the room shake a bit.

It had been a couple days or so since the events that had transpired after the incident with Lancelot, yet you guys never knew that guy's name. You were even going to start calling Berserker ll because of the way he fought was so similar to Herald that it was scary to you. You sighed before sitting another box down before looking at Cu Chulain who was just looking off into the distance, you looked in his direction saw who he was staring at.

Your Thoughts: Yang? Why would he be looking at her? Oooooooohhhhh I get it!

Cu Chulain: Should I do it... No..... No there's no way she's gonna say yes, but... What if she does then I wouldn't be the only one without a date to the dance.

You Whispering: Do it!

Cu Chulain: Huh? *turns to you*

You Whispering: Dooooooo iiiiiiiiittttt

Cu Chulain: Um..... Do what?

Y/N: Ask Yang out to the dance.

Cu Chulain: What... I wasn't going to ask her to the dance.

Y/N: Yes you are.

Cu Chulain: No I'm not.

Y/N: Yes you are.

Cu Chulain: No I'm not.

Y/N: No you're not.


Yang: Ask who out?

Cu Chulain turned around and saw Yang standing there he turned around about to asked you something when he noticed you were gone the only thing left was a note with one word on it.

~Your Note~


Cu Chulain's Thoughts: I am going to pierce your heart when I find you!


You chuckled while walking away from your friends were at you couldn't believe that actually worked, but then something had hit you. Who you were going to be going to the dance with, Cu Chulain was trying to ask Yang out, but you had a feeling it was to help Herald so he could go with Ruby. You thought about Weiss and shook your head, she seemed to have an interest in Neptune, Blake wasn't going, and Velvet was off on a mission so you couldn't ask her either which bummed you out since you liked hanging out with her and her team.

Your Thoughts: Man... Who else could I ask out to the dance I mean there are still other girls like Pyrrha and Nora, but Pyrrha is clearly interested Jaune and I can clearly see some chemistry between Nora and Ren. What about those two new girls--

???: Hey um..... (Y/N).

You turned around and saw Rider standing there, you noticed that she looked nervous which was strange to you because she's not the nervous type in your opinion.

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