Chapter Thirty-Four: Confession

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You were still laying in bed for two days or so now arms still bandaged up and still unable to leave until you had completely recovered from the ordeal with Herald, you had learned from Rider earlier that Herald had woke up and was devastated about learning what happened. Like you he was put on bed rest, but Ironwood told you guys that he had sent out more of his troops to see if they could find Cu Chulain.

You had also gotten a visit from Velvet and she told you about what was going on and what had happened a while ago which shocked you about what she had told you about Yang. The semi finals of the festival had began last night and Yang was pitted up against Mercury, but it seemed like after Yang had won she had punched him in the leg.

Y/N: That doesn't sound anything like her, I know Yang can be aggressive but she's not merciless.

Velvet: Same, she says that he was the one that attacked her, but... I kind of want to believe her even though I saw with my own eyes. When Coco and Yatsuhashi fought Mercury and Emerald, she told me that she saw Yatsuhashi before he just disappeared as well. It was like it was an--

Y/N: An illusion.

The rabbit faunus looked at you confusingly for a moment.

Velvet: An illusion?

Y/N: I think maybe Yang was under a semblance after she had beat Mercury, I think someone might have used a semblance on her which made it look like Mercury was coming at her in her perspective.

Velvet: Wow... That actually makes a lot of sense, but who would be able to pull--

Y/N: Probably that Emerald girl that was teamed up with him, but let's not have this come out to the public yet it's just a little theory of mine, but I believe what Yang did was nowhere near her fault in any way.

Velvet: Okay, I'm gonna go now, I wanna see how everyone is doing from all of this I'll see you later, and try to get some rest.

Y/N: Kay.

Giving her a quick peck on the lips you watched as Velvet left out the door, while wondering when you were going to leave this place, your aura was still in red which ticked you off even more from how long you would be here.


Velvet walked down the halls of the infirmary wondering if you were right as it seemed like a possible answer to why Yang had attacked Mercury. Just as she was making a turn she ran into Rider, who appeared to heading towards where you were this caused the two of them to become startled by each other's appearance.

Rider: Oh Velvet... Hi I didn't expect to see you here.

Velvet: Oh neither did I... So coming to see Y/N?

Rider: Oh no, no I'm coming to see Herald... Ruby told me to come and check on him for her since she's busy with her sister--

Velvet: Rider... I can see that you're lying to me.

Rider:..... But.... I'm not lying.... I'm being honest with--

Velvet: These ears aren't for show *points at her rabbit ears* I can hear your heartbeat increase.

Rider swore in her mind forgetting for a moment that Velvet was a faunus which gave some heightened senses, but before she could say anything else the rabbit faunus started talking once more.

Velvet: Well... Now that you're here, I can finally ask you an important question.

Rider: An... Important question?

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