Chapter Twenty-Two: The Calvary is Here

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It felt like time had just slowed down as you slowly tumbled to the ground, your ears were ringing and you could barely hear a thing before looking up and seeing the massive Grimm from before once again this caused you to worry even more at seeing the mighty thing. You could tell just by its size and appearance that it was going to absolutely tough to take down, but at the moment you were wondering more about where Cu Chulain and the others were. Just when you were about to hit the ground a loud neigh had gone through your ears before something flashed by and caught you.

Looking down you saw that it was Cascalla and Rider who was glaring at the monstrous beast trying to think of a way to damage it, while also looking for Herald and Cu Chulain as well. The two of you looked down for the two when you suddenly saw something leaping from the Grimm squinting to get a better look you saw it was Herald in his Berserker form with Cu Chulain hoisted over his shoulder. 

Y/N: Hey are you guys okay down there?

Cu Chulain: Yeah, but what exactly are we going to do to even damage that thing?

Rider: We need to try something against it, we can't just let it keep terrorizing the place, for all we all we know it's next target could be Beacon or something.

Cu Chulain: Um... Guys hate to warn you, but I think it spotted us.

Looking over in the direction of the Grimm you noticed it was indeed looking at you all causing you all to worry for a moment when you noticed it's back was starting to glow red for some reason.

Rider: That doesn't look good.

Herald: What's it doing? *sweats nervously*

All of you were now growing nervous now from seeing the large spikes on it's back start to glow like crazy, this caused you to wonder even more when it opened it's mouth when you remembered what Yatsuhashi said to you earlier.

Your Thoughts: It fired something from it's... MOUTH


Rider: Why--

Before she could finish the creature let out a mighty roar before releasing a massive beam from its mouth heading straight for all of you, the red beam was destroying building after building before getting towards all you. Quickly getting on Cascalla with Rider the two of you managed to dodge as Herald and Cu Chulain using their aura leaped away from it on to another building.

Watching from another building Gilgamesh smirked seeing the destruction the Grimm was causing how it was chasing after you and your team in a hurry to eliminate you all.

Gilgamesh: Hah, look at these vermin desperately trying to figure out a way of stopping my little pet. But let's hope they can do something against the G.I.N.O Grimm.

While looking down at the scene wondering what your next plan was, the golden-haired teen had a strange feeling that he was going to be seeing someone he hasn't seen in a while. Along with someone else, he hasn't seen either, but why?


You landed on the street rolling before sprinting off you noticed Rider and the others were nowhere in sight and you were knocked right off of Cascalla after that thing fired that beam out of its mouth to your shock. You were hoping they were all alright still since that blast could have sent them anywhere now.


You looked around and saw no signs of them no or even the pegasus in the sky, you were thinking Cascalla had been startled by the sudden blast and flew off somewhere with Rider in tow. Herald and Cu Chulain could be anywhere around here, just when you were about to continue running down the street you noticed a land hand slammed on to one of the buildings causing you to sweat a little before forming your bow.

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