Chapter Fifty-Two: The Worse Has Yet To Come!

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Everything after the incident with Medusa and Gorgon, was unexpected at the moment. Hearing about some scorpion faunus by the name of Tyrian attacked and was trying to take Ruby. Qrow had come to aid Team RNJR. And was struck by Tyrian's tail, which got you wondering if his tail had poisonous like some scorpions in the world.

But everything seemed to settle down for everyone. You were all sitting down at a fire, Medusa was going in and out of consciousness only able to stay awake for a couple of hours until having to rest. You had placed her in your sleeping bag, stating you would sleep in a tree.

Taking a swig from his flask Qrow looked at everyone who looked back at him, though he noticed your expression was one of impatience.

Qrow: So is anyone going to ask questions? None of you have any for me?

Jaune: Of course we do, we just need to take this all in.

Qrow: Sure, of course.

Ruby: So these maidens... Are powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic?

Qrow: Yeah.

Nora: And they're four of them?

Qrow: Yep, always.

Ren: Which means that, whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone, a female that they care about?

Qrow: Whoever was last in their thoughts, important distinction. Best option, it's someone we can trust, regardless their souls become combined in a way.

Herald: So what if it's a guy that was that in their thoughts.

Cu Chulain: Obliviously the power would go to the nearest female.... Or possibly a random female which would really be screwy then.

Qrow: That's right.

Jaune: Wait, and you guys were trying to do this to Pyrrha. The night the tower fell, you were trying to turn her into one of them.

Qrow looked down for a minute and explained to the group about what happened to the previous Fall Maiden, Amber. About how she was young and inexperienced, and that Cinder was somehow able to steal some of her power from her. Fearing Cinder would get the rest of the Fall Maiden's power, they had to do something fast.

Jaune: So you forced it onto Pyrrha.

Qrow: We didn't force anything, we explained the situation and gave her a choice. You were there, you heard--

Y/N: I'm going to have to stop you there Qrow, I believe you guys had a choice as well.

Qrow: What are you--

Cu Chulain: Ozpin was a smart guy, so why did he choose Pyrrha of all people? We know she was a great fighter, but she wasn't even a Huntress yet. If anyone, Oz should have chosen someone like Ms. Goodwitch to get the other half of the Maiden's powers. She's an experienced Huntress and it would have been a lot safer and less risky in her.

Qrow: Listen we--

Ren: Pardon me Qrow, but I have to agree with Cu Chulain, Ms. Goodwitch would have a lot better in my opinion, or any other female huntress that Ozpin knew, even Weiss sister would have a been a better candidate.

Nora: Or.... Huh.... Could Ms. Goodwitch already BE a Maiden!

Jaune: Nora, let's not go that far ahead.

Qrow: Actually, if Pyrrha had declined, he had another candidate he would have talked to about it as well.

Y/N: Really who?

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