Chapter Three: The Initiation Begins

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You were leaning against the wall of the large school, Ozpin was giving a speech of what he was expecting from you all. As soon as it ended you decided to explore the school, making your way down the hallways to see what you could find. Just amazed by the size of the place. You wondered if you were even going to find Yatsuhashi in this large school, taking your second scroll out you were planning on calling him to see if he was around when you accidentally bumped into someone yet again, you just hoped your luck was better this time compared to last time.

???: Oh, I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going!

You looked up towards them and saw a brown haired girl with matching brown eyes, you knew they were a faunus because of the bunny ears protruding from their head.

Y/N: Oh no, it's my mistake I should have been looking where I was going it's cool, I'm just trying to get my way through this maze of a place.

???: Oh, don't worry I've been here for a while and you'll get use to it here, oh where are my manners my name is Velvet.

Y/N: Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N), but back in Haven people called me--

Velvet: Archer?

Y/N: Yeah.... Wait how did you know that?

Velvet: One of my teammates told me about a friend of there's that goes by that name because of the bow they use, do you happen to be (Y/N) (L/N).

Y/N: Wait you know Yatsuhashi? That's great could you show me where he is I've been trying to meet up with him for a while now.

Velvet: Sorry, but him and the others went out to town, Coco is taking them for a little shopping, I decided to stay here.

Y/N: Oh.... Oh well I guess I'll try to see him later then, later.

Velvet: Wait... Um... If you want..... I could show you around the place to get a better memory of Beacon.

Y/N: Really, that would be nice Velvet, I would appreciate that!

Following the rabbit faunus around for about 40 minutes, seeing the mess hall, the dorms, the library, the shower rooms, and training rooms it was time for you go to where first years had to stay at the time. You said bye to Velvet before leaving to your destination and changing into some sleep clothes of your own. Simple t shirt and pajama pants with Beowolves on it, you then sat down near the window when you noticed a boy in a onesie walk by you remembered Ruby and Yang called him Vomit Boy but also heard his name was Jaune.

You sighed before looking out the window at the moon that looked to be shattered, you were wondering why the moon was like that. 

(Seriously why is the moon like that)

Y/N: I won't get anywhere just sitting around, talk to some people.

Getting up you walked around till you found Ruby and Yang and decided to talk to them before going to sleep sat down in front of them before saying hi.

Yang: Hey (Y/N) I heard from Rubes that you got into a little predicament on the first day, so what happened?

(Y/N): *sighs* I got into a little fight with someone named Cu Chulain, jerk broke my scroll because I bumped into him, luckily I keep a spare on me at all times so that's a relief.

Ruby: Also I remember you were about to use your semblance and you started saying some things, what was that all about?

You ran a hand through your (H/C) hair forgetting about that little speech you were preparing to say, before you were rudely interrupted by Ms. Goodwitch.

I am the Bone of Remnant Volume 1: Archer Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now