Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Next Step

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Outside through the large pools that surrounded the palace, everyone was in right now as two watched them outside with slight horror or disgust as they watched a beowolf come crawling out one of them. Looking over more were coming out making them look on with even horror than before. 

Mercury and Emerald watched this for a while until they heard a snap an order for them to come over to where they were before.

At the moment they were all inside of a dark candlelit waiting room, one man was sitting down looking at something on his scroll, another had his arms crossed and eyes closed waiting for something, and the last was sitting on the chair.

Cinder stood in another seat quite different from her usual appearance, her dress was different with a sleeve gone and but replaced with an elbow length glove and her right eye was now covered by an eyepatch. 

Watts: Yes, yes, please keep your... posse... in check.

Hearing this Mercury stepped forward but Emerald quickly stopped him.

Watts: You hear that... Silence... I've half the mind to thank the little girl that bested you.

Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down, find her and... Well... She took YOUR eye, didn't she?

Cinder glared at the man who proceeded to laugh maniacally before she tried to speak up about something but it seems the silver light that Ruby caused had damaged her vocal cords. She tried a few times before motioning for Emerald to come over to her.

Seeing this Watts looked on with unimpressive eyes.

Watts: Pathetic... Why do you even...

Stopping himself after hearing footsteps coming this way, they waited for a bit to see who was coming down the hall towards them before the doors opened. Walking towards them was Salem but she wasn't alone, standing on either side of her was Vlad and Hassan, but another person was there as well.

Walking behind her was a woman with long black hair, wrapped in a dress that could be considered as dark as midnight. As she walked past everyone they could smell a sweet aroma coming from the woman, but she soon stopped and looked towards Cinder. Walking over towards her and motioning for Mercury and Emerald to step back. She pulled something out of her sleeve and handed it to the damaged woman.

Emerald: Ms. Semiramis.... What is--

Semiramis: Something that will help mend her vocal cords back to together after she was hit by the silver eyes the effects will take a while to kick in but it should help.

With that said she, Vlad, and Hassan took their respective seats and waited for Salem to speak to them.

Salem: Watts... Do you find such malignance necessary? 

Watts: I apologize, ma'am, I'm not particularly fond of failure.

Salem: Then I don't see any reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder, she's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower and most of all.... Killed dear old Ozpin. To what failures are you referring to?

Hassan: I believe my queen that he is talking about the girl with the silver eyes.

Vlad: I wouldn't worry too much about the girl.

Hazel: Yes, we've dealt with her kind before, but how is it that a novice bested one of our own?

Watts: My thoughts exactly. Even without her power, it should have been easy.

Salem: It's because of the MAIDEN's power, you hold the key to our victory, but your new great powers hold a crippling weakness. Which is why you shall staying here with Semiramis and me for the time to finish your treatment.

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