Chapter Forty-Four: Within the Branwen Tribe

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You didn't know what happened, first you were just mouthing off to Yang's mom who in your opinion was nothing more than a lousy parent for leaving their child to run a tribe. And the next thing you know was a portal opening, and you getting flung through it like a piece of paper. Where you were going you had no idea, but you knew one thing. You really should have your mouth shut now.


You screamed having finally come from out of the portal before landing on the ground, and it as definitely not the best kind of landing you would have wanted. You rubbed your head and slowly tried to rise up to your feet when you heard the sound of something else coming out of the portal and something crashing onto your back. You were expecting it to be stepping on you, but after hearing a groan you realized who it was now.

Y/N: Shirou?!

You quickly got up from under your cousin who got to his feet as well trying to recover from the fall as well. Both of you patting the dirt out of your clothing. But just before you guys could figure out where the two of you were now, weapons were pointed at the two of you. They ranged guns to knives to swords. 

Y/N: Oh well this is a warm welcome ain't it?

Shirou: Not the kind I'm use to though.

The two of you quickly summoned Kansho and Bakuya and readied in case any of them tried anything but the two of you were stopped when the final person leaped out of the portal. This caused everyone around to stop for a brief and stare at them. Especially the people ready to attack you and Shirou.

Raven turned and looked at the two of you, a scowl on her face for two reasons. One, was because of the words you had said to her. And two, because she only wanted to take you back and had brought Shirou with her as well now much to her annoyance. One part of her wanted to just kill them here and now and get it over with, but something was stopping her. She remembered something in her tribe which caused her to sigh.

Raven: Alright everyone stand down, I'll deal with them, where is Vernal?

Branwen Tribe Member: She is "busy" at the moment with the other prisoner.

Hearing this Raven nodded her head before deciding to call her out right now.

Raven: VERNAL!

The sound of scurrying feet could be heard before someone came walking out of a tent adjusting their clothing by the way. Looking at them you noticed it was a young woman with tan-colored skin, short brown hair, and icy blue eyes. She looked to have been busy with something, but you couldn't pinpoint what though, and you could really care less at this moment.

Vernal: Raven, I didn't think you'd be back so soon, what is it that you need?

Raven: I've come back from my little conversation with my brother, and I have brought back a hostage, two even though the other came of his own accord.

Vernal looked at you and Shirou with disinterested eyes before looking to Raven as if asking what to do with them. Raven's red eyes met with her ice blue ones before she sighed knowing what to with them. She pushed past some of the other people before getting behind you and Shirou. Before either one of you could do anything, she swiftly chopped Shirou in the back of his neck. You watched him hit the ground before turning to face Vernal.

Y/N: Hey, you didn't have to do that, that was uncalled for--GAH!

You fell to your knees after getting kneed in the stomach, you held it while looking up at the smirking woman. Before a smirk fell upon your face.

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