Chapter Forty-Nine: Not So Happy Reunion

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Artoria: I'm telling you, I don't need to be carried I can walk on my own.

Y/N: Stop being difficult your legs are still too weak from King Hassan liberating you.

Kojiro: And believe me, I do not mind carrying a fair maiden such as yourself.

Artoria frowned, she hated feeling helpless and having to need others to assist her. She enjoyed being on a team, but she would rather do work on her own rather having to rely on her team. She didn't understand where this side of her came from at all. But being carried by Kojiro really annoyed her.

You all had woken up the next morning, checked to see if everyone was there before heading off towards your next destination. You had also looked around in fear that Raven may appear and try to take you and the others back. But to your relief no one from that tribe appeared at night. But you did remember hearing Kojiro mumbling Vernal in his sleep, much to your surprise.

Y/N: Oh well at least it's another decent day.

Nora: Right, another day, another adventure!

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking.

Nora: With a side of....

Ren: Walking.

Cu Chulain: With a hint of even more walking to spice it up!

Ruby sighed hearing this.

Ruby: Haven is a lot further than I thought.

Ren: Ruby, how long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby: I don't know, I grew up in a small area, I've never been this far away from home.

Herald: So how long have you been away?

Ruby: Maybe like uh.... Two weeks.

Jaune: What!?

Ruby: Okay fine, three or something!

Artoria: You don't get out much do you?

Ruby grumbled under her breath from this.

Y/N: Eh, don't sweat it the longest I've been away is like five years so far, I haven't even seen my Uncle Kiritsugu or my Aunt Iris in so long. In fact, I wonder how them and Illya are.... Wait a minute... Herald who did you say the friend who gave you your weapons was again.

Herald: Illya.

Y/N: And Shirou, Illya's your big sister right?

Shirou: Strangely, but yes.

Y/N: How come we've never met sooner?

Herald:...... Good point...... Wait Illya's your sister and cousin.

You and Shirou: Yep.

Herald: Wow.... That is so--Wait what is that?

Looking ahead all of you noticed what looked to be a town up ahead. But there was something about it that all of you had noticed. It appeared to be damaged in so many areas. Nora putting words in to it as well from the sight as well. 

Kojiro: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Jaune: We should check for survivors come on!


A hooded individual walked through the trails heading towards their destination, they carried a large polearm that kind of resembled a scythe but slightly more like a hook as well. Turning around they looked towards the Grimm that were nothing more than stone now. Their glowing yellow eyes looked angrily at them. 

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