Chapter Forty-Eight: Artoria's Explanation

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Everything happened in such a flash that you could not comprehend where you were now or where the others were as well. You couldn't see but you could hear someone was calling out your name. When the brightness of what was blinding you finally vanished you opened your eyes to see the face of Herald. And seeing that face sent joy a wave of joy throughout your body.

Y/N: Herald is that you, please tell that's you and I'm not dreaming, punch to make sure it's you!

Herald: Um . . . Okay.

You regretted this the moment Herald's fist nailed you in the gut causing you to collapse to the ground. The wind completely knocked out of your body as you waited for the pain to subside.

Y/N: . . . . That's  . . . . Definitely you. Sweet gods of Remnant.

Herald: Dude what happened to you and Shirou, we left the morning to go find you guys and couldn't find anything. 

Y/N: So what did you guys do?

Herald: We feared you guys may have been taken by those guys from before and decided to leave town for the next one. That's when we all stopped because the sun had gone down and started to make a fire. And right Ren ignited it. You, Shirou, Kojiro, and Artoria just appeared of nowhere!

Remembering everyone else you looked around the place to see Shirou, Kojiro, and Nora stuffing their faces with food, while Jaune, Ren, Cu Chulain and Ruby check on Artoria who was still unconscious. They had managed to remove the remainder of the armor and covered her with a blanket to let her rest. They had also placed a wet cloth on her head as she had started to develop a fever.

When they were sure she was okay they went over to you and Herald, both of them happy to see you and Shirou along with Kojiro and Artoria here as well.

Cu Chulain: So what happened to you guys?!

You looked over to Shirou wondering why he did not explain to them what they had gone through.

Y/N: He probably doesn't want me to tell you, but I met your uncle Qrow in the last town because he wanted me to come with him somewhere. Shirou was unknowingly following me and that's when the three of us met this woman who was the splitting image of your sister but with black hair, red eyes, and a bitchy attitude.

Ruby's eyes widened hearing this for a moment but decided not to say anything.

Y/N: And then like an idiot I am, I bad mouthed her, called her a lousy mother and then she threw me through a portal and Shirou followed along. Next thing we know we're in a tribe of killers and once again my mouth gets me and Shirou into trouble and then we're locked up in cages. That's when we met Kojiro who was taken by them as well and was being used by one of the people for "special reasons".

Jaune: Special reasons?

You leaned over and whispered into Jaune's ear who's eyes widened with surprise.

Kojiro: I keep telling it was not that bad, although my hip was dislocated once.

Cu Chulain: So . . . was your pull--

Y/N: ANYWAY! after a plan somehow going well, we escaped only to be ambushed by Artoria who was riding a grimm looking horse and wielding a lance. After fighting her a little King Hassan appears stops her, and then Angelica appears to get her back and it then leaves without her. And then we sucked into a strange thing of energy and here we are now!

You stopped talking to catch your breath because you were a pretty exhausted from all the talking, you looked towards all of them seeing different expressions on their faces.

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