Chapter Forty: The Trio of Hassan

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Running through the woods after the scream went through, you and Jaune were pumping it with all of you've got trying to find where Ruby was, you had a bad feeling that something bad had just happened, because the scream sounded as if she was in pain or something. The two of you were running for a while before the sound of a tree falling get your attention before came through looking around frantically before his eyes fell upon the two of you.

Herald: Where is she?!

Jaune: We don't know we're following in the direction of the scream!

Not wasting anymore time Herald rushed off not waiting for either one of you, running after him for about two minutes you guys saw he stopped. Looking down you and Jaune saw he was looking at something which you recognized as Crescent Rose.

Your Thoughts: Oh crap baskets.

Just when you thought of which way to look something picked up in your ears, concentrating your aura through your eyes and ears you looked around in an attempt to scan the area for what you heard, that's when you recognized the voice.

Ruby's Voice: Put me down!

Y/N: Guys she's near.

Herald: Which way!

Y/N: North from here not too far but-HERALD WAIT!

Jaune: It could be trap!

You and Jaune watched the brown-haired Berserker run off once again, seeing this you quickly pulled out your scroll hoping to get in contact with Shirou or Cu Chulain. Deciding on the blue-haired mage would be the better option.

~Camp Site~

Shirou: Really, her.... Of all the people you've grown an interest in, it's her?

Cu Chulain nodded his head, a little embarrassed by this, even though he hasn't really shown anything like that at all.

Cu Chulain: Yeah, but right now we need to focus more on the situation as of right now.

Shirou: Yeah, but when did you get interested in--Hm?

Looking over Shirou and Cu Chulain noticed his scroll was glowing showing that it was you calling, the blue-haired caster picked it up before answering it.

Cu Chulain: Hey what's taking you so..... Wait what.... Something happened to Ruby and Herald is going off the deep end again.... Okay we're on our way.

Shirou: What's going on?

Cu Chulain: Someone has taken Ruby and Y/N, Jaune, and Herald have gone after them.

Getting up the two looked grabbed their weapons and quickly took off not even thinking about getting Ren and Nora assist.

~Ruby's Location~

At the moment the scythe user was struggling to get out of the grip of one of her kidnappers, but they had an almost iron like grip on around her as they carried her with one of their arms, plus she was tied up and she could barely move from being injected with something. The only thing she could really do right now was move her head and arms a bit, but she couldn't feel her legs at all at the moment. Looking at her takers she noticed they all had on the same mask which reminded her kind of like the white fang's masks, but they resembled human skulls.

Looking at the one carrying her, she noticed they were the biggest of them towering above the other two and was probably almost the same height as Herald when his semblance is activated. They also wore a cloak covering the rest of their body, but it was obvious this one was a guy unlike the other two.

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