Chapter Fifty: Friend or Foe?

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Medusa in a fit of rage rushed at the three of you without warning kicking Herald in the stomach hard enough to see him into a tree. Cu Chulain saw this and swung his staff at her only to miss and be grabbed his hood, and thrown into Herald. She then turned to you with her scythe in hand and sent it down at you. Quickly moving out of the way of the attack you landed next to Herald and Cu Chulain.

The three of you were unsure of what to do at this moment, she's your friend, but she was trying to kill you. Not knowing if you could bring her back to her senses but you had to try something even if hurting her was necessary. Summoning your swords you looked at Herald and Cu Chulain who could tell what you were thinking as well.

Herald: If we fight her we can possibly bring her back from all of this.

Medusa hearing this scoffed.

Medusa: You'll die trying!

Raising her hand all of you looked around in alarm as the area started to become enveloped in darkness it was as if she was dragging you into some kind of Reality Marble of her own. Looking at Medusa as a dark red/black aura enveloped her. No.... That's not aura. That's something completely different.

Your Thoughts: That's her Killing Intent manifested into physical form, just how much anger does she have towards me?

Cu Chulain: Well now, she's just full of surprises now isn't she?

Y/N: Here she comes!

The hooded scythe user rushed at you a glistening look in her eyes as thoughts of killing played out through her head. But all of that was stopped once Herald appeared in front of her weapon raised. But she was able to evade but Herald was on her still swinging his axe sword as hard and fast as possible trying to land a blow on her. Medusa leaped onto a tree before slamming her hand down and watched as chains erupted around her and flew at Herald grabbing his weapon from his hand. But she immediately moved out of the way as three balls of flames flew towards her.

Looking at Cu Chulain she saw strange letters appear in front of him before balls of fire were launched at her. Seeing as as Cu Chulain no longer had Gae Bolg, it seemed as though he changed into a long range fighter. But as that thought came to her senses told her to duck from being stabbed as you appeared before her Kansho and Bakuya in hand. Kicking you away she immediately turned and launched herself at Cu Chulain zipping past Herald with the intent on cleaving the wizard-like man in half.


Cu Chulain reacted quickly though and blocked the strike with his staff before kicking Medusa's weapon away. Spinning it around like it was Gae Bolg and struck towards his old friend. The staff glowing for a bit before Medusa. But Cu Chulain went after her with his staff trying to land a hit but Medusa was evading with a ease till she kicked him back. Seeing this Cu Chulain prepared another attack and waved his hand in front of him.

 Seeing this Cu Chulain prepared another attack and waved his hand in front of him

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