Chapter Thirty-One: The Worse has Yet to Come

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While all of you were in the stadium just looking at the armored menace the one who was controlling him was at the moment outside of the place with Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald. All of them at the moment could see what Lancelot could see using the device Neo had that was controlling him. Mercury and Emerald were looking at it with curiosity wondering how such a tiny device was able to control a psychotic knight like him.

Cinder: Huh... I wonder will they be able to deal with Lancelot now, but Neo are you sure you can control him? He looks quite restless this time especially with that Pendragon girl down there.

Looking at Cinder the hetero-eyed girl shrugged her shoulders before tapping a button on the screen before something popped up multiple functions. Pressing the attack function she smiled seeing the black smoke start to surround Lancelot once more, looking towards you and the others and tapping you all to be his targets.

Emerald: Man... I kinda feel bad for them.

Mercury: It's part of the plan to keep them out of the way, so don't be.

~In the Stadium~

Siegfried: Um... What's going on?

You all noticed that smoke started to rise around him which caused you and Herald to become alarmed knowing what was coming next.

Y/N: He's about to attack get--OOF!!!

Your eyes flew open as a small amount of blood flew out you looked up to see Lancelot right there causing you to look on with shock before you went flying into the stands with a thud. You groaned you could feel that three of your ribs were possibly cracked from the blow.

Looking down you saw that the black knight had just smacked Herald away along with kicking Siegfried back before grabbing one of his swords and swinging it at Artoria. The blonde girl blocked the attack before trying to get him off of her but it didn't seem to be working whatsoever.

Seeing this you summoned Kansho and Bakuya fast and launched yourself at Lancelot yelling for Artoria to move she quickly leaped out of the way as you came at Lancelot with a quick slash only to hit nothing but air. Looking up you saw he was going after Artoria once again which was starting to become really confusing now, from the stands they noticed this as well.

Joan: Something's not right... It looks like his main target is Artoria!


Looking at each other the two spear users smirked before grabbing their trusty spears and leaping off from the stands to assist. Seeing this Shirou and Kojiro nodded their heads before telling Rin and Medea to go get help, knowing Shirou and Kojiro were the better fighters they agreed while telling them to be cautious.

Cu Chulain and Diarmuid rushed down to the field with great speed passing just about all of you before appearing in front of Lancelot guarding the downward attack against hitting Artoria but could feel the immense force that came from the attack.

Diarmuid: Damn... This guy has some serious power behind his attack!

Cu Chulain: Yeah, don't take this guy lightly got it!

Diarmuid: Humph... Like I would underestimate my opponent.

The two lancers quickly knocked the black knight away before running after him Lancelot seeing this rushed at them with the intent on cleaving them in half, but the two reacted quickly leaping over him fast. But doing a quick turn he extended his right leg out and slammed it into Diarmuid's side knocking him into the Cu Chulain.

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