pack up your troubles

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A week past so fast and I only had 5 days left. I spend most of it with Liam and our mate, Guigsy. I was getting more and more emotional as the days went by. I woke up in my own room, Liam next to me with one arm under my head and the other around my waist. I would miss that, I didn't have sex with Liam often but I guess we were making the most of the time we had left.

My mum didn't mind Liam staying but she didn't know we were sexually active either, she still saw us as innocent kids, if she knew half as much shit I get up to with Liam as Peggy did, she's go off her head. Good job my room door had a lock. Liam was but naked pressed right into me, I had a shirt on but nothing else since I was cold during the night, it was still early. I hadn't been sleeping well at all. My mum was still in her bed because I couldn't here the radio.

I turned slowly to face Liam, my heart pounded at the sight of his face, he was so beautiful, I leaned forward so my whole body was pressed against his. I could feel his response, he groaned a little and stirred but didn't wake up, well, not all of him woke up.

I smiled At his face, his lips slightly parted and his massive fucking monobrow furrowed up. I put my hand on his chest, he didn't have a buff body but he was toned, I truly did love Liam. "Stop touching me I'm try'na sleep" he groaned.

"Sorry, well actually I'm not," I whispered dragging my hand lower and lower down his side.

"Hmm, your a fucking pain in the arse you know that" he asked, whispering. I nodded even tho his eyes weren't open enough to see.

"I know, what you going to do about it?" I whispered into his ear. All of a sunken he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. He held both is my hips as I sat just above his waist.

"Its not nice to wake people up don't you know?" He said. I shrugged and slowly moved down, he groaned quietly each time. I slowly sat down on him and he let out a breath of air. "Fuck me" he said.

"What do you think I'm going to do you idiot" I said as I slowly rolled my hips. His eyes rolled back alittle and I wasn't even trying yet. I leaned down and kissed him.


After Liam had breakfast and left I went for a shower, I was to start packing today. I looked at my room and sighed, I started taking my posters of my baby pink walls. Starting with my two Smith's posters, my Stone roses one, joy division and The Beatles. My walls loomed bare without all my posters. I rolled them all up neatly into my poster tube.

Next I packed my clothes into boxes, the clothes I needed and the clothes I was giving away. Alot of my adidas clothes went with me, my Stone island t shirts and my band t shirts too. I kept a pile full of clothes that I  noticed were Noels or Liams incase they wanted any of it back. The last thing was Liams man city shirt, it was his favourite one. I wanted to put it in the pile but I didn't, I put it at the bottom of one of my boxes.

Then onto my trainers, I had far too many trainers to take with me. I had small feet like my mum. Most of my trainers were like new. I had to get rid of 5 pairs my mum said, I only had 15 pairs. In the end I gave 3 pairs of my most rattled out vans and 2 pairs of converse to charity. I still had my 5 pairs of adidas, 2 pairs of vans, a pair of converse and 2 pairs of new balance.

It was almost 5 by the time I got finished. I had packed away most of my things except my record player and 3 records and some of my clothes to get me through the next few days. I looked over to the corner and saw the box of clothes to go over to Liams but I couldn't be arsed, I was too tired. I went down and made some food and went to bed. It was still light out side but i was just physically and mentally drained by the last few days.


I woke up to tapping on my window, I shot up as I saw shadows on the tree out side, before I realized it was Noel and Liam. I got up and rubbed my eyes before trotting over to open the window. "What you doing in bed, it's only half seven you boring cunt" Liam said. I laughed.

"I was just tired, I've packed all me room today" I said. "Why you at my window anyway dipshit" i asked.

"Noels got us weed, Guigsys mam went away for the weekend, this could be your last party before you go." He said. I smiled, suddenly feeling more awake. I invited them in while I got dressed.

Liam and Noel turned away as I got changed, not that I cared, I put on jeanes and a nice jumper I've had forever. I decided I wasn't in the mood to get fancy, grabbing my slip on vans and doing my make up. "Ready too go?" I asked, Noel was sifting through my records in the box and Liam was doing a fucking rubix cube that I had completed ages ago, now he's messed it all up.

"Yeah, let's go" Noel said walking to the window. I opened it and he slipped out. Just as I went to follow liam pulled me back in.

"You look hot tonight love" he said. I tucked some hair behind my ear and smiled.

"Not bad yourself Gallagher" I replied. He chuckled and leaned down, planting his lips on mine before slipping out the window, I tutted.

I jumped out the window after him, I ran to catch up with the two of the brothers, slipping in between them. Noel pulled out a joint lighting one up and taking a few out it. "Still can't believe next week you won't be 'er" Noel said.

"I know, I really don't want to move, I'm happy for me mam and all but what am I going to do in Glasgow when I have no friends or that?" I said. I heard Liam sigh.

"You'll still phone and that wont you?" Liam asked.

"Course I will ya twat, I'll call every day if I have too, need to make sure you make it to 16 don't i" I said smiling.

"Gonna be strange not 'aving you pissing me off or making fun off my guitar playing" Noel piped up.

"Yeah well not having the guitar in my ear all day will be a good change won't it" I took the joint from his hand and started taking a few puffs.

"Oh fuck no more free weed either" I said dramatically. Noel laughed.

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