rocking chair

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I had been in Glasgow for 6 months, it wasn't as amazing as Manchester but the people were nice and they had good taste in music too. I went to one of the schools in Scotland that didn't give a fuck about uniform as long as you wore black trousers/skirt and some sort of Shirt. I spent the first 3 months wearing Liams large black adidas jumper around. Eventually it stopped smelling like him and I didn't feel as protected by it anymore. I'd moved on to his white Sergio Tacchini polo shirt, and that stopped smelling like him weeks ago. I wore Leo's jackets too, small reminders of home and how much I missed it.

I got phone calls from everyone regularly. Peggy would call my mum every couple of days and so I'd speak to Liam while she was. I missed his voice but I missed his touch more. Tony and Era would phone every few weeks too, just to check up on me. Tony was a dad now, and he sent me a picture of him, he was beautiful. He named him Leon, but everyone calls him Leo. Leo Mccarroll.

Liam had told me that Noel had went on tour as a roddie but I already knew that because he called me once a week. Liam had also been in hospital recently since some nutter had smacked him over the head with a hammer. I told liam about his clothes lossing there sent and Liam joked and told me my bra was getting stretched out when he put it on.

"I'm just saying Liam, your clothes are getting old, maybe I should come down for new year" i said, Christmas was coming and he could hardly refuse.

"Are you serious? You'll come for new year?" He asked, I laughed.

"Yes I will come for new year, I need to switch out some of these clothes" I teased.

"Yeah I need to switch out this bra too" he said.

"Your an idiot Liam" i laughed. He laughed too, I missed his laugh. "Will Noel be home for new year?" I asked.

"Couldn't tell you love, I'll ask him when he calls us," Liam said. "So what are the guys in Glasgow like? As good as me?" He asked.

"Don't know haven't had the chance to try one yet" I said, nervously looking over to my mum who was making dinner, I knew liam was home alone.

"Oh yeah? So your planning too?" He asked me with a devilish laugh in his tone.

"Maybe, I'm sure your lapping them up down there" I said honestly.

"None are as good as you Sally Cinnamon" he said. My breath hitched, Liam laughed and my mum looked at me funny.

"I bet they aren't, not as sweet, bet they're not sweet up here, then again I haven't tried one yet, maybe I should compair them at new year," I teased him back.

"Maybe I should try at new year, bet you would be up for it." He joked, however I was a tease and left him to do.

"That sounds like something I would like to try, I got to go but I'll call you later babe, by love you" I said hanging up.

My mum sighed at me and shook her head, we haven't been getting on lately and I thought maybe it was just because I've been under her feet alot. I knew I had to ask her what's wrong but every conversation turned into an argument lately.

"Right what's going on, why are you mad at me?" I asked her, she shook her head again.

"Mamma talk to me, I don't know what I've done for you to be so mad." I said she looked me in the eye an tutted.

"You can't keep leading him on Sally it's not fair" I scrunched my eyebrows up.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You have all these boys calling you from home and you tell them all you love them but Liams the one your with. It's not fair on him Sally it's not fair on any of them." I laughed at her, how dare she.

"I tell them I love them because I do, but Liams the only one I'm in love with, how could you think that of me mum" I said pushing past her.

"What about Noel? And Tony? For Christ sake he just had a kid" she shouted.

"There my family mum, more than what you've been lately"

"Yeah? And does Liam know that his brother calls you more than he does hm?"


"I don't get you Sal, you're not the same daughter that I thought I had." She sighed.

"Yeah well people change, especially when your brothers dead and you dad's abandoned you"




"MAYBE OF HE HADN'T HAVE FUCKING KILLED HIMSELF WE WOULD STILL BE FUCKING HAPPY" I felt a sharp sting across my face, my hand flew up to it as I looked at my mum in horror.

I stormed passed her and up the stairs. She didn't follow, I packed a bag, took all the money I had and stormed down stairs.

"Where are you going?" She asked o ignored her and opened the front door.

"I hope you have an amazing life mum, maybe now you've pushed everyone away you will be happy" I said slamming the door shut. I went to the nearest pay phone before dialing the number I had written down.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now