Daddy Liam

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#liams point of view#
#not EDITED yet because I'm sick but hopefully I'll update again in the next few days#

Fuck me. What else could I say? I found out in a month that I had a kid and I was now being told that in less than a month I would be heading out on tour for 3 months around America. Right now I was spending some time with Lennon.

Our kid was good with him, he called all the band uncle and that was cute. He still goes between dad and Liam but that ok, he's only little and that.

He was a lot like me, he was funny and always wanted to be in amongst it and that. He dressed like me or his mam dressed him like me but he was definetly my kid that's for sure. I knew the first time I saw him he was mine.

He had my eyes, my hair and Noel kept saying he had my nose what ever the fuck that means. He spoke like me too. I stood out side having a fag with Bonehead while Noel was messing around with the kid, said he was teaching him the guitar or something.

We had just been shopping, the kid managed to talk me into buying him new clothes and that, not that I minded, that's what we went shopping for, I wanted to spoil him, it won't make up for lost time but it will make me and him look and feel better.

"Hows Sally taking all this then?" Bonehead asked. I honestly didn't know.

"I couldn't tell ya mate, she don't speak to us" I told him.

"He comin' to the gig tomorra?"

"I don't know mate, she said she's working, wouldn't let me keep him tonight and won't bring him tomorrow" I said shrugging and taking another draw of my fag.

"Your still not over her are ya" he said.

"Mate that ship sailed long ago, I fucked up and she had a right to leave, I guess i should have tried harder and that but we all make mistakes Bonehead, mines was letting her slide away" I said. He was about to speak when the back door went flying open and Lennon came running out.

"Dad, dad come see this" he said pulling my slave, I smiled at him and followed him as he pulled me away from bonehead.

"What is it kid" I asked. He ran up to Noel and sat on his knee and sat the guitar on it.

"What fingers again?" He asked Noel. Noel showed him and it made me right happy to see my kid and our kid getting on. All of a sudden the kid was playing the starting chords to live forever.

"There you go, told you, you could do it kiddo" Noel said.

He was playing most of the notes wrong but Noel, the man I've known all my life who is a perfectionist or tries to be was encouraging him to keep playing. Everyone was cheering him on.

"Guys I need you on the stage in 2" Greg, the stage manager shouted. Lennon stopped playing and everyone cheered him on. He hopped of noels lap and ran over to me.

"Can I come on stage with you?" He asked. I knew he wasn't allowed, his eyes were doing that puppy thing his mam used to do.

"You can't mate, but me and Noel will move the couch so you have front row seats" I said thinking on the spot. I left him with Tony while we grappled the couch from the dressing room and moving it forward. Seeing him smile like.that made me proud of myself for the first time in a long fucking time.


It was around half past 7 and I had tried to phone Sally twice, I had to go to an Interview at half past 8 with Noel and was starting to worry about her. She had proved she loved that kid and that's how I knew something was up. I started heading to her place and Noel and Bonehead had stayed at the venue incase she was just running late.

When I got to her place she didn't answer the door and Lennon was starting to get upset. I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a number to call her on.

"Are you Liam I take it" some old lady said to me. I turned holding Lennon in my arms and nodded.

"Yeah I'm looking for Sally, she was supposed to finish hours ago" I said. Lennon was heavy in my arms and he was sniffling away since he missed his mam.

The old lady disappeared and came back a few moments later. "Here's a spare key to the flat and a work number for her. This happens a lot you know, she's probably had to pick up a shift" she said.

I felt bad for Sal, how did her life come to this? She was working 3 jobs to keep her and my kid in a nice home and not only that but up here in glasgow she had no one looking out for her. I want her and the kid to move to manchester. She might not want me to care any more but I can't help it.

I was 16, I was stupid and I ain't one to care about other people's feelings but she's not anyone. Sally always been different to me. Guess somewhere in this fucked up situation I just want what's best for them.

Once I finally got me and the kid into the flat and had Lennon settled in bed I called the number from the phone.

"Hello?" A male voice answered.

"Alright, I'm looking for Sally Ramos, she around?" I asked him.

"Hang on one second" he said and before I could say alright Sally was on the other end.

"Liam?" She asked. Hearing her say my name was fucking gold. No matter how long we had been apart I still loved her.

"Yeah" I said.

"I am so sorry, if I didn't pull this shift I would have been sort on hours and I don't get payed, I hope it's no trouble, I'm really, really sorry" she said. I told her it was all right and all that shit, that I'd watch the kid till she got home. I also called Noel to let him know I couldn't make the interview and that if make it up to him.

Being a father was tough but now I knew I could have him in my life I was not going to end up like my dad that's for fucking sure. I also wanted to prove to Sally I could look after them. I was going to prove my place in this family.

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