January Jumpers

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January 1996

It amazed me how fast time went by, Liam had been on tour and back, Lennon was 6 now, christmas had been, new year had been. Everything was foing so fast, the best of it? Im six months pregnant now.

I had anxiaty around this pregnancy knowing that Liam wasn't  there for Lennon being born and the band were suposed to be on out when this baby was due. I was scared but liam didnt leave for another 3 weeks.

He we gone for 3 months this time and the last week of there tour was when baby Gallagher was due. We didnt find out the sex although Liam and Lennon were determined it was a boy. Me and Meg were sick of both or men. Meg just found out she was pregnant a month ago and her and Noel got married in November in a quick and easy service. It wasnt fancy and Noel didnt even dress for the occasion but it was sweet.

Liam was trying to talk Noel into cancelling the last two weeks of the tour but i told Noel not to. Liam would be back in time and the fans had been waiting so long for this. I loved him for wanting to be here. He insiated that i stayed with Meg and had his mum come down even though thats what would have happened any way. His mam loved spending time with Lennon and Lennon always loved to see his gran.

We were switching it up this time though since Liam never sold our mancunian hot spot we were going to be staying there. Lennon missed Leo and in all truth, i missed Tony. I stayed in touch with him, even though Liam was pissed he knew what Tony was to me and why i couldnt cut him off.

"What about Gene?" Liam asked as we lay in bed with Lennon watching shit TV.

"Who the fucks Gene?" I asked.

"A name, for the kid ya twit" he said.

"Oh, we dont know if its a boy but" i said.

"Mam, you need to get over it and get with the script yeah" Lennon said.

"Lennon, watch the way you speak to me" i said glaring at Liam.

"Dont fucking blame me, he has his own mind" Liam said.

"Hes 6, of course its you" i said.

"He don't copy me love, sware" he said.

"Liam if you told him poo could fly he would be taking shits off buildings to prove it" i said.

"Nah that ain't true, innit not lad" liam said smiling.

"Nah, mam, you need to sort yourself out love" Lennon giggled. Liam shoved him as a warning.

"Not helping mate" Liam said, i just sighed ignoring them.

"Anyway Gene, do you like it?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Its alright i guess yeah." I smiled, leaning up and kissing him.

"Get a room, thats disgusting mate" Lennon said. Me and liam both burst into laughter.


"Florance, if its a girl" i said to him a few days later.

"Baby Flo?" Thats quite nice actually.

"Florance Gallagher, Gene Gallagher" he tried them on his toung.

"I love them both now." I said. Trying them out myself.

"Well we aint havin' two are we" liam said, i stuck my fingers up to him. He was always taking everything as a joke.

Things had been really tough lately. Although we argue and joke around its hard when my emotions are all over the place. One minute im laughing at Liams jokes and the next im attacking him for being a cunt, which he is half of the time any way.

Aparently Megs been the same with Noels moodiness. Hes always acting up, to be honest i think the both of them just want to go back on tour since all they have his hormone riddled Burds here.


"Have you seen my good Jumper babe?" Liam asked. He was packing to leave in a week and i didn't know how to take it. I know what would happen when he was gone. I just prayed the baby held on until he came home.

"Nah, where did you leave it last?" I asked him.

"Dont know, think i wore it last week" he said.

"I still ain't done a wash yet, might still be dirty" i said.

"Why aint you done a wash?" He asked still buzzing around the room.

"We haven't been shopping yet have we" i pointed out to him. He stopped.

"Why do i have to go? I wont be here" he said. See, things like that were why i blew up.

"Liam I'm fucking 6 months pregnant, how am i ment to drag a months worth of shopping home myself" i asked.

"Get a taxi" he said. I sighed.

"Look we need to go shopping. Me and you, get the fuck over it" i said sighing.

"Whatever" he said like a total child. I was sick of him being a cunt. I just growled and stormed out the room.

I could here liam banging around angry at the fact that i was angry and that was the worst of it. When i was angry it made Liam gonin a mood too and that made us both argue, and that got worse when Lennon was here because our moods rubbed off him too.

I couldnt wait till this was over. I knew it would be harder this time with Lennon and having Liam at the studio working but i knew he would be amazing with this kid. He was already a great father to Lennon and we both have out flaws but liam truly was an amazing father to his kid and would be to this kid too.


Liam left yesterday in a mood with me, aparently not happy that i couldnt find his jumper and that i made him go shopping with me. I had travled up north already with Lennon, i knew taking him out of school wasnt exactly ideal but i had a tutor waiting for him in manchester that the achool had recomended.

I hated that he was being home schooled but at least he was getting some education. Meg was already in Manchester when we arived. She and Noel spent the week there visiting Peggy before he left, Liam however spent the last week arguing with me over a fucking jumper.

I knew where his jumper was, it was in my case because it was huge and i wore it because it doesnt make me feel fat but he didnt need to know that.

As the days went by i gave up expecting a call from him. He was stupid any way and needed to grow the fuck up. I loved him but he was far too childish for me to worry about. I had actual children i needed to take care off.

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