cottage Cheese

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November 2000

Liam and I decided we would have a short get away together for the week. We had dropped the kids off with Peggy and me and Liam pissed off to the Scottish mountains In a little log cabin. Liam was off until June when him and Noel were doing a US and Canadian tour.

I was on the couch watching TV when liam came in and stood infront of it. I raised my eyebrows. He looked like an excited puppy. "Guess what" he said smiling wide. I rolled my eyes. My husband was legitimately a child.

"What Liam" i asked amused by him.

"Its fuckin snowing" he said, he was practically shaking.

"Alright, and?" I said. His smile faided.

"You what? It's snowin'. we never get snow and when we do I'm on tour" he said.

"And?" I asked. I enjoyed winding him up. It always made him more playful later.

"And. Get fucking ready, I want a snowball fight" he said.

"I'm not going out in the snow Liam"

"Yes you fuckin' are"

"Its too cold, I'm not going" I said.

"Put a jacket on" he shrugged.

"Liam. I'm not fucking playing in the snow, grow up." I said rolling my eyes playfully. He huffed and stormed away. I turned the tv back up. About five minutes later I heard Liam run in the house. I immediately got up and started running.

"Nah, nah, get back here Sally CINNAMON" he said Making his voice higher as I ran through the cabin.

He kept chasing me, making me lose my breath fast, I wasn't as fit as I was as a kid. I didn't have shoes or any decent clothes on but i ran out the front door Instantly regretting it. Liam chased after me. I sprinted away, my toes feeling numb due to the cold snow. Before i knew it I was getting hit by snowballs as I screamed at Liam to stop.

"Fuck off liam I'm frezzing" I said as the snow fell heavier around me. Liam looked at me and smiled. "What" i asked. He dropped his snow ball and walked up to me. He put his cold hand on my cheek.

"You're fucking beautiful" he said shaking his head. I blushed under his touch. Almost 15 years I had been with Liam and still he had the power to turn me into mush with a few words.

"Fuck off" I giggled as I chittered. He laughed and picked me up.

"C'mon before you catch a cold." He said carrying me inside bridal style.

"Aww, you're a big softie liam Gallagher. I'm callin the papers on you" I said. He shook his head.

"Probably already front page news anyway" he joked. As he walked me inside and straight to the toilet.

"What you doing?" I asked as he sat me on the toilet seat. He ran the bath water and made sure it was hot before he put the plug in and then bubbles. He stood me up, helping me out of my thing wet clothing.

I smiled. I missed being like this with him. It seemed like we were always busy lately. He leaned in and kissed me gently. I leaned into him before pulling away and lifting his shirt off.

I got in first after a good 5 minuets of arguing with him. He leaned into me as I lay back too. I let myself relax in the hot water. Liam leaned back onto me but not strong enough that he was squashing me. I let my hands run through his hair wetting it slightly. It was getting longer again and it was really fucking hot.

"I miss this, just us two chilling out together" he whispered. I hummed in agreement.

"The kids are getting bigger you know, Flo starts school next year, maybe soon we can spend some time together" I said. He hummed.

"She's gonna be singer you know" he said. I rolled my eyes. He was always saying this, he was teaching her beatles songs and she was learning fast.

"You should teach her your songs" I said as I massaged some shampoo into his hair.

"I sing them songs whats she wanting to sing them for" he said. I shrugged.

"Because she's proud of you" I said. I didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling.


We had decided to go out for the night into town. It was about 20 minuets away from our cottage. It was nice to see liam sober from drugs for a change. We went to the only pub in town. A small one that was quite busy, the snow has started to fall and it was clear they had come in for some heat.

It was just us, people were too busy minding there own business to notice Liam. Honestly this place was so far out from civilisation I'm not even sure they knew who oasis were.

"What's wrong?" I asked liam as we sat. He shook his head.

"Nothing, it's just strange to have peace in a pub without being bothered" he said leaning down and kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"Your hairs getting really long, next you'll be having it in a ponytail" I said smiling as I twirrled it in my finger.

"What the fuck you on about, I won't be puting nothing in a ponytail." He said.

"Me and Lennon are going for haircuts when we get back" he said.

"What about Flo?" I asked.

"What about her?"

"She needs a hair cut too" I said. I had been trying to get liam to let me get her hair cut for months but he wouldn't let me. He loves her hair. It's long and a Sandy blond. Her baby curls still hanging on the end.

"No she fucking doesnt. Her hair is fine." He protesred. I rolled my eyes.

"She's nearly 4 Liam." I said.

"She ain't getting her hair cut Sally. She don't need one." He said as he drank his beer. I just gave up. It's like arguing with a brick wall. I wasn't getting nowhere.

After a few hours it was in the late hours of the night. The pub was super busy now and it was a little too crowded for my liking so me and Liam decided we would walk back to out cottage. We held hands the whole way there.

I've had a few of these moments. Moments where you stop and thank God that this is your life. All the times that they have happened to me havent even been the moments when we're rolling in money and spashings cash like you would think. It's moments like when we got married and when Flo was born and little things like that. They made me feel like i was the luckiest girl on earth.

When me and liam reconnected 6 years ago I never thought this would be real. The fame, the money, the publicity it means nothing to me. If we had to lose it all tomorrow I wouldn't blink an eye. I don't ask for much. I don't need anything but my two kids and Liam. He's like the answer to all of my questions. And without him I don't know what i would do. He makes me happy. He makes me smile.

We've been through the toughest times and I would never in a million years have thought we would make it out together and if it were with any other man i wouldn't have stuck it out. But this is a man who I've been in love with since i was like 10 years old. I've always known that he would pull through and be there for me.

And although hes not the only person that's there for me. He's the only person i need.

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