make you mine

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A week in and I have never felt more relaxed in all me life. I couldnt believe I had married Liam fucking Gallagher. I dont mean the rock and roll star. I mean the childhood friend that people addressed as a bloody twat. The one ive been in love with my whole life since before the fame and the money.

I was lying in bed with Liam, the sun was coming up and from out balcony we could see it come up. Liam was lying between my legs and I was playing with his hair.

"Thank you so much Liam" i said into his ear. He lay back on my chest.

"For what" he grunted.

"For bringing me here, and loving me" I said the last part quiely. He still heard it.

"What you talking about? Course i love ya" he said. He turned his head and took my chin with his thumb and pointer, pulling me down and kissing me softly. It was rare me an Liam had proper romantic moments, with the kids around and him in and out with working and that we hardly have time for any thing.

I kissed him slowly allowing us to enjoy it as he slipped his toung in my mouth. As gently as he could he turned the wrest of his body so he was leaning over me. Slowly he kissed down my neck. Licking and sucking dowm my stomach. I tensed when he came to my blotted belly. He kissed either side before hooking his fingers in my pants and sliding them down.

He kissed down my right leg, coming back up the right as he took them completely off. I gripped the sheets as he did, he smiled as he felt me tense more. The Exticy and his soft lips moving over my body. I could hardly breath by the time he came back to my lips.

I flung my arms around his neck, making his whole body push against mines. His boxers were tenting now. I sat up so he was forced to move onto his knees. I slipped my hand into his boxers causing his breath to hitch.

I smiled into the kiss. He took his own bottoms off and kicked them off as he lay me back down. People didnt see this side to Liam. His soft caring side, the one that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

"Sally" he said taking my cheek in his hand. I sniffed and looked up at him. The moment becoming too much. I let out a soft sighed pulled him back town to my lips. He nodded understanding I was ok. He slowly held my hips as he pushed in. My breath hitched as he did.

It was slow, loving, gentil. Everything Liam was when the cameras stopped rolling and people weren't around. His hard man act became nothing. He moved slowly allowing me to just hold him. I slowly moved with him. "Liam" i gasped when I felt myself become shakey. He held me tighter.

"It's ok" he whispered into my ear as he moved. We didn't do this often. The sensation came slower. The pleasure took over my body but it wasn't coming fast enough.

"Li" I said as I flung my head back. He kissed my neck and his touch sent shivers through me. He began to move faster but still slow.

It wasn't long before I saw spent on the bed. My whole body felt week. He continued to move faster as he finished of. I let myself smile as he collapsed on top of me breathing heavy. He moved my hair out of my face and smiled. "It's not as pretty as you" he said. I went to speak but he got there before me.

"The sunrise in the morning. It's not as pretty as you." He said. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"Is Liam Gallagher going soft?" I asked. He tutted.

"Fuck off" he said. "You hungry or what?" He asked pulling a sheet over us. I nodded. He went to get up but i grabbed him and held him.

"Dont" i simply said.

"I need ta get up if ya want fed" he said.

"No" i cried like Lennon did when he didn't get his own way. Liam let out a sigh.

"C'mon I need a fag and I wanna make ya food babe" he said. I knew in the end he would win but i didn't let go. He sighed and pushed me off. He put his boxers on and walked to the door and I closed my eyes.

Just as I did Liam came behind me and scooped me up. I squealed as he did. Before he carried me into the living room Area and put me on the chair and pushed it so it faced the kitchen island.

"Now y'can see me make food yeah" he said kissing the top of my head.


Liam was away collecting food at the main land when I was chilling on the beach. I ran my hand through my hair. I didn't want to go home ever. This was luxury, I forgot it was even mid December. It felt like summer. I didn't want to go back to all the bull shit. I didn't want to go back to wearing clothes and washing them. Uh, I didn't wanna wash any thing at all. Liam had been doing the majority of the house keeping for a change. I had the most sexy tan I had ever had. My while skin was a tanned brown.

I sat basking in the sun just thinking about the kids. My hands automatically moved to my stomach. I sighed as i quickly mines them away forgetting for a second that it wouldn't be in there much longer. I wasn't stupid. I knew i had to be it as soon as possible. I had an appointment booked for as soon as we get back to London. I stood up letting the breeze flow through my hair. Just as I did I heard the boat approach.

I knew it was a little too early to be liam so I grabbed the sheet and wrapped myself in it. I knew it was either house keepers sir paparazzi. When the boat got a few hundred yards away it changed course and moved away. I rolled my eyes. Paparazzi. Amazing.


We were on our last 3 days. I was asleep in bed next to Liam. I had woken up but didn't open my eyes. I knew it was late at night. I heard Liam on the phone.

"Yeah she's having a good time i think" he said.

"She said there's been paparazzi around and that, fuckers, now she's wearing clothes again" he laughed.

"I ain't being rude I'm just saying I prefer her naked. Bet you would say the same for yet own misses" he said.

"She's got an appointment booked for when we get back, guess we've made up out minds" Liam said quietly.

"Lennon ok?"

"Let him know i love him and that yeah. That we miss him" Liam said. I heard him wrap the phone call up and lay down beside me. I still didn't move. He wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. At first he thought it was to me but then he kept talking.

"I just want ya to know that it's not yer fault and that, and maybe one day when we're not a total shit show we'll be ready for you" he said. "Just not yet yeah," he said. He nussled his head into the back of my neck and held me close.

"Liam" i said with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah" he said.

"It's gonna be in isnt it" I said. I felt him nod.

"Yeah, yeah it gonna be ok" he said.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now