the don'ts and don'ts

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The next day Liam woke me up, I was  up panicking because I was late for work but liam told me he phoned in for me and told 'em that I quit. While I was fumming about it I was also greatful. He made me go back to bed and sleep while he made Lennon breakfast and got him dressed.

When I woke up again Liam was getting ready to leave. "I got sound check" he whispered as he leaned beside the bed.

"Okay" I said still half sleeping.

"I'll see you at the show tonight yeah" he said. "Tomorrow we can pack and we can get you down to Manchester asap." He said. I nodded as the left a kiss on my lips and walked out the room. I heard him saying goodbye to Lennon and the front door shut as Lennon jumped onto my bed waking me up fully.

"Mum look at my t shirt dad got me yesterday" he said. I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw the oasis t shirt.

"You look so cool buddy" I mumbled as he hugged me.

"I missed you, I didn't see you last night and I missed you" he said. I knew liam did the right thing making me quit my jobs because even I knew that I wasn't spending a lot of time with Lennon, he was being tossed between houses and it wasn't fair on him.

"I'm sorry kiddo, listen I got to talk to you" I said patting my bed space beside me.

"What's wrong mam" he asked.

"How would you feel about moving away? Closer to dad so you could see him more"

"Well, how far away does daddy live?" He asked. I smiled.

"Quite far away but you will be closer to him and your uncle Noel, you'll get to meet your gran and be closer to your uncle Tony and the band." I said. His eyes glowed.

"Will I get to meet my cousin Leo" he asked exited. I laughed. I realised Leo would be around his age and they hadn't even meet.

"Course you will" I said. He stood up.

"Yeah I want to go, I'm so excited." He said jumping on the bed. I groaned and smiled. At him as he bounced around.


We got to the venue around half past 6, Liam told us to go to the back door and we were let in right away and lead through to the back. Apparently Liam and Noel had had a few to drink so we had to wait Outside the dressing room for them to be informed we were here but I had a feeling it was so they could get rid of more than a beer. Liam came out smiling. "Daddy" Lennon shouted. Liam smiled and hoisted him up.

"Alright kiddo, you excited for tonight" he asked Lennon who cuddled into him.

"Yeah" he said. I smiled.

"Alright babe?" He asked, I smiled and nodded but I was examining him too. I could tell as soon as he walked out the room he was high.

"Come in then what we waiting out here for. Hay you could show yer mam you playing the guitar" he said carrying Lennon into the room.

"Hay, there's my faverout nephew" Noel shouted as he walked in, he jumped out liams arms into Noels.

"Uncle Noel guess what, my mam is moving us to Manchester" he said. Him and Noel were talking away as i pulled Liam to the side.

"What's up babe?" He asked, he went to kiss me but I pushed his face away and he laughed. I was smiling too but I wanted to do anything but smile.

"Liam your fucking high" I said. He pulled a face as if to say 'no I'm not' but I was there the very first time he got high, I knew what he looked like high.

"Look I'm a little bit high, it helps with my nerves and that you know" he said I scoffed.

"Your son is here Liam, you can't just go around sniffing whatever you want because your in a band." I said harshly.

"Calm down alright, fuckin' hell I'm fine ok, I'll have sweated it off once I'm off stage" he tried to convince me. I knew right then I should have walked away, I should have told him he can't do that to me, to Lennon but I didn't.

"Promise me Li, you won't do that around Lennon again, he doesn't need it in his life" I said. He nodded, this time when he went to kiss me, I didn't push him away. I let him kiss me. I heard Lennon giggling and smiled as Liam pulled away.

"Uncle Noel my dad just kissed mummy" Lennon giggled. Noel however looked less pleases than my almost five year old son.

"Yeah they did" he said. All of a sudden music started playing and a guy pipped his head round the door.

"Opener is on, you got 20 minuets." He said. Liam looked at him but his hand was on my side as he used his thumb to stroke my skin.

"Hay Lennon wanna go see the band play?" Liam asked. Lennon jumped up.

"Yeah I do, yeah I do" he said.

"Look after him" I said grabbing liam as he went to walk away.

"Always" he said as he kissed my cheek.


Liam and Noel were on stage and the band were amazing. Lennon was dancing and cheering his dad on from the side likes although liam didn't hear from all the noise the fans were making.

It was amazing to see Liam work. His hands behind his back and singing up into the mic. His voice was angelic, he sounded so good it made me feel like I was in a space of bliss. Lennon stood beside me cheering on his dad and it was one of those moments. Where for a split second time stands still and the world stops for a moment and you take in everything around you.

After they came of stage liam took Lennon back stage and I went to follow when Noel pulled me away.

"Noel what the fuck?" I said as he pushed me against the wall.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I looked him in the eye, he looked worried.

"I'm going back stage to get my kid, it's getting late" I said, Noel shook his head.

"No, what are you doing with Liam?" He asked, I could only tell him the truth.

"I love him Noel, I always have, I always will and yes he hurt me and I hurt him but we're doing what's best for our son" I said.

"You uses to talk to me and tell me everything Sal, now it's like I dont even know you" he said shaking his head.

"You and liam will destroy each other and that kid doesn't deserve that, I know you guys are still in love but it's not good for you" he said picking my head up.


"No Sal, remember when we were younger and liam and you would fight and you would take me to that little shed in the house next door to you, and nobody ever knew about it and you would talk to me and tell me everything" he said, he was upset, I would be too. I put my hand on his cheek to sooth him like I did Liam.

"Noel I miss you, i really do but right now I got too much going on ok, liams making me move bad to Manchester and Lennons birthday is coming up and liam made me quit all my jobs so I gotta look for new ones" I knew he would be satisfied with knowing that at least.

"I'm a big girl Noel and Liam has hurt me before, I can't get hurt like that anymore, he broke me too much, so we're taking this slow ok," Noel nodded excepting my words he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you Sally Cinnamon" he said smiling.

"Me too Noeley" I said as I walked off to find liam leaving Noel watching me.

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