sware on my grave

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3 days left

Thats all I had, 3 days, 3 days to pack up my shit and move on. How was I to do that? Why am I even this fucked over moving somewhere new? It's only a few hours away right? And I'm sure I could come stay at my Nanas whenever I wanted.

I was currently sitting in Leo's room with Noel and Liam while my Mam was round there house with Peggy. Noel and Liam were told they could have whatever they wanted since my mum had taken all of the stuff she wanted to keep like some of his shirts and pictures and his watch and chain ect.

After they were done we were going to get Tony and go see him. I haven't been round in ages, I had picked up flowers this morning. Liam had chosen to keep a pair of his limited addition Adidas trainers, a photo he found in his sock drawer and a beatles poster that I didn't want.

Noel took his guitar and a few of his vinyls that he didn't already have. He also took his most prized shirt the 1968 Man City shirt that he was given from My dad. It was the year they won the leuge and the year Noel was born. My dad gave it to Leo as a surprise for his 18th birthday. My dad had bought it in 68 and kept it in a box for him.

He always said that shirt was lucky, our Leo did, he wore it every match he went to and they always won. I remember one time he didn't wear it and they lost and he swore it was his fault. Noel promised he would wear it to every city game and important function for ever in order for me to let him have it.

I took his jackets and t shirts, I was wearing one of his stone island Parkas now. I loved wearing Leo's clothes because they all smelled like him. A smell I've missed it smelled like cheep fags and old spice.


We were in the Gallagher house waiting on Tony to get here, my mum was talking to Noel about how she was happy he took the guitar. It was one of the things my mum always said I should do. "You should take Leonie's guitar round to our Noels" I just never got round to it.

See Leonie was,yes you guessed, it Italian. My full name was not sally but Rosalieta but i hated the name. My mum and dad immigrated to the UK in 71 just before I was born and that was a blessing because when my father left my mother he moved back to Italy and my mum stayed so I could have a normal life.

My dad left last summer, almost a year after Leo died, I didn't blame him for leaving but I do blame him for leaving both me and my mother so miserable.

Liams dad was different, he was abusive and disruptive and a drunken bum who never knew how good he had it. His three boys were godsends  compared to him. I knew as much as anyone that Liam and Noels biggest fear was that they would become there father. Any sane person who knew them like I did knew that they were nothing like him.

Liam had his anger but never once did he use it out of context, he never hit woman and he never hit Noel because he nursed him many times when his father would beat Noel around.

Finally Tony turned up, we all kissed Peggy and my mum and exited the house, headed for the grave yard that my brother was rested in.


The graveyard like usual was empty apart from 1 or 2 visitors on the other side of the yard. Liam was holding my hand as we walked up the path. I could see Leo's grave from here. He always had fresh flowers thanks too me mam and Peggy. His gravestone was large unlike most. It had a small picture of Leo on it and instead of a grey stone his was black marble. He had a small garden like patch. I walked up to it and quickly replaced the flowers that were dying. Liam pulled me into a hug.

"Alright rkid" Noel asked looking to Liam as I look up, Liam was chalk white.

"Just hate these places is all" he whispered. I hugged into his chest, Liam took a photo out from his pocket, to my surprise it was laminated and these was a note on the back. He passed it to Noel who stuck it to the headstones side. I let liam go and picked it up and smiled.

"Where did you find this?" I asked. Liam smiled.

"In Noels room, thought he would like it." Liam nodded over to Leo's picture. It was a photo of Me and Leo, Noel, Paul, Tony, Guigs, Bonehead, Liam and some of there other Mates. The photo was taken when me and liam were about 10. Paul had liam on his shoulders and I was on Leo's as he stood looking up at me, sloppy grin on his face. my mum had a large copy of this in the living room.

I missed those days, I had a lump in my thoat as I read it. 'Dont worry, She will always stay on the shoulder of giants Rkid, LGx NGx BHx Guigsx TMx' I turned to look at them and smiled as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Were gonna miss you Sally" Noel said holding his arms open. I gave him a tight hug, Tony and then nuzzled back into liams side.

"I'm gonna take her home, you lot staying?" Liam asked. Noel and Tony nodded as they got comfy on the grass. Liam nodded goodbye and started walking me home.

I looked back one last time seeing Noel and Tony pass a joint. I laughed, typical lads. My brother was always fucking stoned and he was funny when he was, I missed so much about him.

"Sally, d'you think that we will see each other again? Like after you move and that" Liam asked. I nodded still plastered into his side. He rubbed my arm, I was alittle cold. Liam tutted and took his jacket off giving it to me. It was big enough to drape over me twice. All of liams clothes could, he liked it that way.

"Course we will, how else you gonny get a shag? Coz you repulse half the lassys in our school" I replied.

"Shut up, your no just a shag ya prick" he said shoving me playfully.

"Never said I was" I mumbled. Liam stepped infront of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Sally Ramos, I sware to you with all my heart, you were the first girl I ever loved, and when your 18, your coming back to me, we'll get married some day, and I'm gonna take you places that you dream of, your the only girl I've ever loved, and you'll be the only girl I will ever love. I promise you" he said holding my cheeks now. I could here his voice crack, I could feel his pain and mines was there too.

"I believe you Li, but 3 years is a long time and I won't leave you waiting for me coming back when i don't know if I will" i said holding one of the huge hands he had on my cheek.

"You will come back"

"You don't know that Li"

"I do, I know you will because you love me too, and I sware to god Sally, I'll come find you if I have to" he said, he looked to the side and sniffed.

"Liam i do love you, more than anything or anyone, I don't want to leave but I have too, and I don't know if I'll ever come back to Manchester but I do know I'll come back to you" I said. He nodded and leaned down and kissed me. In that moment he was the only person I ever would truly care about.

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