paranoid android

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After the tour finnished i went home and Liam went with the band to record the new album. I missed Lennon so much but he had a great time with his Gran. Speanding time with Liam alone was nice but now he was gone it was nice to have space too.

They had been recording for 3 weeks and were only suposed to be away for another two but something had happened between Liam and Noel, i got a phone call from Guigsy to say he was in the hospital. As long as he was ok that's all i cared about and Guigs insisted he was ok so i chilled out.

After a tortuous two weeks i was sat at home waiting for Liam to walk in the front door. The first three were ok because i could get over that but the last two knowing he was hurt left me on edge.

I was at the shops when i saw it on the from page. Not even just one magazine. 4, and a news paper. My heart stopped beating and my eyes filled with tears. I turned on my heals going right back home. I didnt want to cry over him but how could i not? I know we weren't official but it still hurt to know i loved him so much that he was the only man i could ever love yet hes getting himself on front covers of magazines with other woman.


He came in the door and walked into the front room dropping all his bags next to the couch. "Hay babe" he said leaning over to kiss me but i pulled away. His face filled with confusion. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Nothing" i said, i knew if i didnt keep my cool i would explode.

"Clearly there's something wrong Sal, whats up?" He asked me, i sighed and stood up walking away.

"Sally what the fuck" he said following me.

"Leave it Liam"

"Leave what, what's going on?"

"YOU, THATS WHATS GOING ON" i shouted. Liam raised both eyebrows.

"What the fuck 'ave i done?"

"The papers Liam, your on the cover of all of 'em with some little tart" i said. He looked so confused but i wasnt falling for it.


"No liam, i get it, your a big rock star and you can have whomever you want and all that fucking shit but IM NOT ONE OF THOSE GIRLS" I almost screamed

"Sally i have no clue what your talking about, one of what girls" he said tryig to touch me but i pushed him back.

"One of those girls whos so madly in love with you that i dont say andything at the fact your shagging half of Britain behind my back" i sighed. "Just go away Liam" i said.

"I dont know what you saw but im not shagging anyone but you" he said.


"ITS MY FUCKING HOUSE" he shouted back.




"YOUR A BITCH" he screamed. I laughed in pute disbelief at how much of an idiot i was to think this could work out.

"Get out" i said giving up, there was no point on shouting if he wasnt listening.

"Whatever" he scoffed grabbing his coat and walking out slamming the door behind him. That was it, that was the final straw. I had to get out of this before i get sucked in to no point of return.

I waited till he was gone to collapse on the floor and just cry. I felt like i couldnt breath and my chest got tighter and tighter, i couldnt breath and the tears wouldnt stop. I grabbed the house phone calling the only person i knew would be there for me.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now