goodbye for now

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Everyone I knew was round my house now. Peggy, liam (who has sneeked home, had a shower and got changed), Noel and Paul all sat in the kitchen. Guigsy, Tony, Bonehead, Kelly, Era and Leah were helping my mum out taking things to the moving truck.

I was in Leo's room on his bed, the walls and everything were bare. I knew leaving this behind would be tough but I just couldn't describe the emptiness I felt inside. A knock on the door startled me. Liam came in and sat on the bed pulling me into him not even talking, he didn't need me to tell him now I felt. We sat there for ages, that's what it felt like.

"SALLY COME ON, WE'RE NEERLY LEAVING" my mum shouted up. My heart raced. I felt like I did last night.

"hay calm down ok, it's ok" liam said putting his chin on my head, holding me close.

"I can't do this, I can't leave Li, I though I could but I can't" Liam held me closser.

"You'll be fine Sal, just breath, I promise you, you will be fine and before you know it you'll be back." He whispered. He wiped away my tears and I looked at him. He swooped down kissing me.

I sank into it, he held my face in his hands and he kissed me ruffly. I opened my mouth allowing his toung in, we moved in sync, I couldn't believe I was leaving. We pulled apart and Liam stroked my cheek removing my tears before we headed down stairs where my mum stood. "I'll be in the car love" she said.

Era, Kelly and Leah came up hugging me and saying goodbye. Then Bonehead "I'll miss you" he said hugging me. "Take care of your mam for us" he said, I laughed and nodded.

"You better not make us cry, I ain't got enough weed to stop if you do" Guigsy said.

"There's some up stairs on my window ledge" I whispered to him. He laughed as we pulled away.

"I need to get off" Paul said hugging me, "You take care ya wee raskle, and don't worry I'll be checking on Leo for ya" he said. I nodded as he ran out the door saying goodbumye to my mum.

"I'll see you soon yeah?" Tony asked. I wiped a tear away and smiled at him.

"Soon" I promised him, he held me in a death grip for ages before letting me go.

"I'll call you in a few days yeah?" He said I nodded.

My tears were uncontrollable by the time I got to Peggy. She just told me to stop bloody crying. I walked out side as everyone left before stopping at the car and turning to the two people I couldn't say goodbye too.

"I'll miss you more than anything Sally Cinnamon" Noel said, I nodded as he pulled me into a hug and walking off to stand by everyone else. I was face to face with Liam. My mum bleeped the horn telling me to hurry up. I hugged Liam tighter than anyone else. I didn't want to let him go.

As I pulled away my hands gripping onto his waist I didn't care if my mum or his mum was there. I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to me. He wrapped his arms around my middle holding me as I held his neck. I kissed his as hard as I could.

I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to let him go, my mum bleeped the horn again and I slowly pulled away. "I love you Liam Gallagher" I said smiling and crying at the same time.

"I love you too Sally Ramos" he said kissing my cheek.

"I promise I'll be back Li" I whispered as he rested his forehead on mine.

"And I promise I'll be here waiting" he said. I slowly let him go backing away towards the car. Not taking my eyes off him. I got on the car seeing Noel pat Liams back. As the car pulled away I rolled the window down and leaned out. "I love you" I shouted to Liam as we drove away, he smiled and blew me a kiss as we drove out of sight.


Glasgow was different, we had driven through all the main streets to get to our flat that was just in the city, the buildings were mostly old but there was something beautiful about them, I didn't know what it was but maybe Glasgow wouldn't be so bad. The street life was amazing. You could feel the high spirits among everyone, even though the whole city were living in borderline poverty, everyone smiled and if you stopped and watched for long enough you could find something. It felt like everyone could but me.

My mum dropped the news that I was starting school on monday, so in 3 days. I had spend the rest of Thursday organizing my things. I put up my posters and pictures, I made my bed, unpacked some of my clothes before I decided to keep the rest for tomorrow. I decided to go down and help my mum.

"Hay sweet cheeks" she said as she opened another box for the kitchen. I smiled at her.

"So um..." she cleared her Thoat. I looked up at her with eyebrows raised.

"Mum what's up"

"You and oor Liam?" She asked, her Mancunian and Italian accent mixing.

"Yeah, yeah I guess" i replied looking down. I didn't want to talk about Liam because my heart raced every time I did, it always had and a part of me wondered if it always would. I wasn't stupid I knew that it was less than likely that in three years time I can just come knocking on his door and he wouldn't have moved on at all. I just liked to hope.

"How long did that go on for?"

"About six months? I'm sorry we didn't tell you mum but we would have eventually, if we hadn't have moved and that"

"And you two were careful right?" She asked. I went bright red.

"Mum" I said trying to walk away but she stopped me.

"Sally please tell me you two were careful" she said looking Into my eyes.

"Yeah, we were very careful mum" I lied, we were never careful, Liam insisted that condoms were useless. Not that I minded them not being there.

"I love you Sally, I just don't want you making the mistakes I did, me and your dad, we were far to young to have Leonie when we did, and moving here was just a way of escaping the responsibility that we now had to take back in Italy." She said holding my cheek. I nodded.

"Maybe us moving here was the universe telling me that me and Liam have better things waiting for us" I whispered, as a tear rolled down my cheek, my mum pulled me into a huge hug.

"I love him mum, and now I might never see him again, I miss him and I miss Noel and Tony and Bonehead and Guigsy and everyone" I cried. Great we had been here a day and I was already having a mental breakdown.

"I know baby, sometimes things in this world get taking from us before before we have the chance to see what would happen if it grew" she said.

"I'm sorry dad left mum"

"I'm sorry too Sally, that I've moved you away an'all"

I nodded

"Now come on these boxes won't unpack themselves" she said wiping away my tears, it felt like thats all anyone did these days. I smiled and helped her, we finally got to the living room and got the TV set up and sat with a take away watching movies all night. I fell asleep cuddling into her, she wasn't built or muscley like liam, I guess i was just happy someone was holding me.

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