break on through

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Alot had changed for me in the past five years that was sure. Lennon was almost turning five, he was starting school after the summer. I had spent the last five years working my ass of to build a safe and happy home for Lennon. My mum moved back to Italy in 1991 after her mother passed away and I was left with a kid to raise. She left me some cash to get me by while I found child care and started to work 3 jobs. It was a hard life and I was only 22 but was glad that I was doing what I could for my son. He has shoes on his feet and a roof over his head and as long as I could help it he never went hungry.

He was getting more and more like his dad every day, he had a mop of dark brown hair and these sea blue eyes that made him his dad's spitting image. Ever since he was born I said he looked like Liam. I had never dated, I never had time between working the jobs and raising a kid.

Lennon was such an innocent kid, he was small for his age and didn't have a pick on him. He looked fatter due to his bangs covering his slender cheeks.   I was proud of him. He had asked a few times about his dad and I always told him the same thing. "I'm sure, where ever daddy is he loves you"

Even worse than that I've seen Liam and Noel on the TV recently, a lot. Apparently with songs Noel sang to me in the 80s. Liam had joined a band and then Noel joined calling them Oasis. He always did tell me he was going to be in the biggest band ever. Well oasis were sweeping the nation.

Tony had called me a few times in the past few years. He had no idea about Lennon but he knew I was still in Glasgow. He called me to tell me they were playing king tuts and I should go but I didn't have time I had to pick up Lennon from the child minder and get him bathed and in bed for Jamie and Elliot coming two I could go to work.

Liam has grown up, I mean he was clearly still a child inside but my jaw dropped when I saw him on the TV. He was much more Manish yet still looked like the boy that promised me the world. A part if me knew I would never be with Liam forever but a part if me will never get over him either I just hoped he had moved on and left me and Lennon too it.

Lennon had seen him on the TV a few times and he had seen pictures of Liam before but when he asked who he was I just told him an old friend. He didn't need to know his father was making millions while we skrimped by. Honestly that was my fault not Lennons.


The next week I saw Liam all over the papers at work. Apparently they were playing here again and it was going to be the best gig of the year. "You Ok?" Jamie asked as she walked buy me reading the paper. She knew all about Liam and told me maybe nows the time to tell him. But how do you tell someone they have a five year old kid?

"I'm fine. I just, my kids father and my ex best friends are all over the papers and I'm in a corner store barely scrapping by." I sighed.

"Its your own fault, that could have been your life If you had told Liam the truth" she said. I hated it when she was right.

"He wouldn't have wanted a kid for god sake Jamie" I said.

"You never gave him a chance to decided Sally" she told me. I hated her sometimes.

"Call your mate Tony up and tell him your going to the gig with a mate. You can leave Lennon with Graham and Elliot." She said.

"No way"

"It gives you a chance to talk to Liam and sort this mess out Sally, he should know about his kid, he has rights too" she said. I sighed and nodded.

"Ok. But I sware to god if liam does anything stupid he will never see that kid" i shot at her. She nodded and backed off.


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