What a life

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August 2001

Liam looked a mess, his eyes were rimmed red and his head hung low. The kids were dressed nice, Lennon in a dark suit and Flo in a white dress. The sevice was beautiful, even I had a little cry when Liam went up to speak. Someone from Manchester managed to get hold of her mam and dad, not that they deserved to be here since they casted her aside. They came back with another child. A boy. He was the same age as Lennon. They didn't even look sad. They didn't look like anything.

Everyone was back at Liams place. His tie was hanging off and his hair was a mess. I couldn't believe Sally was actually gone. I couldn't believe that she wasn't coming home.

Me mam had Flo, she had calmed her down and now she was asleep. She still didn't know what was going on. Lennon hadn't left Liams side. His friend had came to the service for moral support but he didn't want none of it. He stood up and thanked everyone for attending and then sat down again. He couldn't get the words out. I ended up having to do it for him.

This was all so messed up. The press were eating it up though. Saying she left Liam. Saying Liam was having another affair. Saying that she was supposedly pregnant again when she died. It was all bullshit.

I was angry. I was fucking fumming. At the press, at Sally and maybe even at myself.

I promised Leonie when i was 19 I would look after her and protect her forever. I let the fame get in the way and I drifted away from her.

I saw Bonehead, Guigs and Tony at the funeral. I saw Era and her husband too. I saw a few famous cunts there for a nosey and some who were there for Liam. Like Richard Ashcroft and Ian Brown.

It was all so fucking devastating. Liam was talking about quiting the band. He said he needed to be there for the kids. And I agreed with him. We put of the album till he was ready to go back at it.

I couldn't get over how quick it all happened. For fuck sake my brothers just become a single dad of two and a widower all at the same time. He was devistated. He blamed himself.

Without Sally here I didn't know how to pull him out of this. She Always knew what to do. Me? I had no fucking clue what to do.


July 2001

"Liam, what's going on?" Noel asked me as he walked in with the kids.

"She's gone" I said. I felt numb. There were police in the house asking me questions. Most of them I didn't even know how to answer. I was just stairing at the armchair where she used to sit.

"What dyou mean gone?" He asked. I sighed. I was so.angry I snapped. Forgetting about the kids. I stood up.

"SHE'S FUCKING GONE. DEAD NOEL, SHE'S GONE" i screamed. The kids both started talking. Flo was crying and her crys became distanced as Noel walked off with them.

I didn't know what to say or do. I had to start planning a funeral or something. For suck sake,i just wanted to wake up already from this, this Nightmare.

Soon my mum and Paul came. My mam went to settle the kids as Noel came back.

"What happened?" He asked softly.

"She OD'd, said it was coke and valium plus alcohol." I told him as i burst into tears. I felt like my soul had just been ripped out. I killed her.

"Mate I'm so sorry" Noel said as he held me. I just stayed crying in his arms for so long until I couldn't cry any more.


Lennon and Florance slept in with Liam that night. I slept in Lennons room and me mam stayed in Florances. There were two guest rooms but none us us slept in them. Liam didn't let anyone stay. Paul was on the couch. Apart from that the rest of them were kicked out after the service.

I sat thinking about what would happen now? What happens for Liam and his two kids?

I thought about her service. She had three songs. Sally cinnamon played as everyone walked in. Purple rain played as everyone left the hall and let it be played as they lowered the casket.

I heard the door creak open as i saw the small figure walk in.

"Uncle NOEL?" Lennon asked.

"Lennon? What's up?" I asked as he walked into the room and into the bed with me.

"I saw my mum" he said to me. My face felt very cold all of a sudden.

"You saw Your mam?" i asked.

"Dont tell dad" he said. "Promise" he added. I nodded.

"I saw her in my dream" he whispered. My heart was pounding. "She said I've to look after Flo and Dad. She said she's with Uncle Leo now" he said. "You probably think im crazy dont you" he said.

"Nah, you think she's letting you know she's safe now" i said as i moved over and we lay down.

"She said I've not to let me dad quit the band too" he said. My heart pounded and i smiled. "Said that although you and my dad argue a lot ive to make sure you dont fall out" he laughed. I smiled too.

"I miss her alot uncle Noel" Lennon said as he let out a small weep. I rubbed his back.

"We all miss her buddy." I said.


June 1988

This was one of the worst summer's I had ever had. I was still falling from Leonies death. I felt like I was never going to hit the ground. It was all my fault. I could have stopped him. I could have taken the fucking keys away or something. I was in Paul's room. He was out at work and Liam was spending the day watching movies with Sally.

I couldn't be around her. I couldn't even look her in the eye. I heard her and Liam talk through the walls. They were so madly in love with each other that they were blinded by it. Weird. Liam was only 14 and Sally had just turned 15. Both of them were so young but I hoped one day they would be happy together. Happy with each other.

I wanted sally to be happy. I wanted her to have everything she dreamed about. I wanted to protect her forever. I would be her guardian Angel or something.

I saw her in 40 years time. She was sitting on the decking in a rocking chair. I know lame right. Like some American movie but it was what I seen. She wouldn't even look old. She would look amazing as always. Liam sitting on the steps beside her smoking a fag probably. They were watching as there grandkids ran around in the street in front of the house with the other neighbours kids.

Why at this moment was this what i was thinking about ill never know, but I know one thing. Liam would be with her. I smiled as i though about it. Sally was like his match. They were exactly alike.

"Stop hogging all the covers mate" Liam moaned. I heard them through the wall.

"Fuck off you've got a jumper on and I'm cold." She replied. I smiled to my self as i heard Liam huff in defeat.

"Liam" she said. I lay on pauls bed at the wall listening closely.

" What?" He asked her.

"what do you think happens after you die?" She asked him. Liam was quiet for a second.

"I dont fuckin know" he said

"Where dyou think Leo is right now?"

"Donno but I do know hes watching over ya," Liam said. I raised an eyebrow. No sarcastic comments or anything.

"Wanna know what I think happens when you die." She was to Liam. "I think everyone has a hevean, not just like where god is but like a beautiful place in the after life where they can wait for everyone they love" she said. I smiled and shook my head. Sally always was a dreamer.

"Well if i dont make it to 16 ill wait there for ya" he laughed.


Ok there's one last chapter after this. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this book. It's official the books over. I know the ending was kinda sudden and all but I needed to end this one soon as i want to do lots of different things and I didn't want to put this book on hold.

I was thinking of doing a follow up book maybe about how Liam raised the kids? Thoughts on that? Let me know 💞

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