my heart will never be a home

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I woke up with Noels arm over my stomach, his face pressed into my hair snoring, I sighed, he had been worrying me all week, he doesn't come in till late and when he finally strolls in he's high and drunk, I saw him at the second gig in London and he sniffed enough coke too make David Bowie jealous. I was seriously worried about him.

His snores were soft on my ear, he snored softer than Liam, he was always so fucking loud and woke me up in the night. I missed him, I spoke to him again last night and he told me his mam had told my mam that I was ok and needed some time away, I was glad, I didn't want to speak or talk to her right now, I was still mad.

Suddenly the snores stopped and naturally I pretended to be asleep like I did whenever my mum came into my room. It was just intuition to do so. Noel stirred and then I felt the bed shift and the hand on my side move away. "Fucking hell" Noel mumbled, all I could do was laugh internally. I felt the bed move and then a thud on the floor, another laugh I had to hold in, After about 30 seconds I heard groaning then Noel spitting more curse words as per usual.

He finally made it to the bathroom before I heard him groan and turn the shower on. I was trying so hard not to laugh at the stupid twat. Before long there was a knock at the door and I panicked. I didn't want to get up but I didn't know if Noel was in the shower or not. I lay for a second before there was another knock and I heard the bathroom door open. I saw Noel walk out wrapped in a towel. He was obviously just about to get in before the door knocked. I heard him swing it open and him shushing whoever was on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. My heart pounded out my chest when I heard the familiar voice.

"Its saterday, I got the train down didn't i" I heard Liam say. I smile spread across my face but I still lay still and bit the inside of my cheek so I looked like I was sleeping.

"She's still sleeping, I was just going for a shower" Noel said quietly.

"Still sleeping? it's almost two" Liam laughed, I heard his voice come closser.

"What you even doing here man, were traveling up later for the gig tomorrow" Noel said, sounding tired from the night before.

"I know that but I just wanted to see her dyou know what I mean" he said. He was so close, it was nice to hear his voice in person rather than through a phone.

"Yeah well I'm going for a shower." Noel mumbled. I heard the bathroom door shut and then I felt the bed bounce, I groaned as my body moved with the bed, my head wasn't the beast either since I had a bit to drink last night too.

Then I felt the covers wafting and Liam crawling under them. His arm snaked around my middle before he pulled me close. I groaned again trying to push him away, now I had to pretend that I didn't know it was him. My heart was pounding as he started to kiss my neck. I elbowed him off and now knew I was up. "Move" I mumbled into the pillow.

"C'mon babe, I ain't seen ya in ages" he mumbled into my ear I smiled and flipped round, grabbing his face and pulling him onto my lips. He pulled me closer so my body was flush against his as we shared what felt like the first kiss ever.

I missed him, the euphoria of his lips on mine had me higher than any drug could get me. I moaned into his mouth as I parted my lips he lead his toung to push into my mouth.

"I fucking missed you" I mumbled into his mouth.

"Missed you too babe" he said pulling away. I snuggled into his chest breathing in the smell of cheep clone, cigarettes and alcohol. Liam always smelled the same. I smiled as i bundled up his shirt in my hands. He put his chin on my head, A feeling I've missed far too much. I tangled my legs that were bare onto his, his jeans rubbing onto my calfs.

"What you doing here, I would have need up there today" I protested.

"I missed ya and I had some spare cash, me wanker of a dad made me take on Noels role of lackey for him," he mumbled. I frowned.

"He ain't hurt ya has he?" I asked, my accent getting thicker when I was around Liam. He shook his head.

"That bastard couldn't batter a fucking fish Sally, now what's going on with you? Why've you ran away?" I cringed, running away? That's not what I done I left.

"Don't tell me it on Noels side with this one Li" I whispered.

"What side would that be?"

"The side that thinks I acted like a child when I left, he lived with your dad, he should know what it's like to get hit Liam, I need you to be on my side" I said.

"Sally yer mam hardly hit ya. It's nothing like what Noel went through with me dad." He said. I pushed him away, I could hear him getting pissed.

"She fucking slapped me on the face Liam, does this bruise look like face paint or somthin'?" I said raising my voice to just below a shout.

"That's not what I said, i said that it's nothing compared to what our kid went through." He said calmly.

"Look I left, i didn't run away and I'm not going to apologise for it I said sitting up. He shook his head.

"Babe, I'm not asking you too," he said putting a hand on my chin. "Have you spoken too her Sal?" He asked. I closed my eyes, willing myself not to cry and shook my head.

"She's devastated you know, she's really worried about ya," Liam always knew how to calm me down, he used this calm voice, any other time he sounds like he's taking the piss or he's pissed off.

"Look I'll call'er when we get to Manc. I just wanna see everyone and chill out. Your brothers had me up every night this week" I said cuddling back into him.

"You would call him and not me"

"Yeah well I'll remember that In future because he's a fucking pain in the arse, he actually had me scared silly" I whispered.

Just as I said that Noel came out the shower in a towel like he had before. "Oy knob'ead what's she on about you had her up?" Liam shouted. Both me and Noel winced.

"What?" He asked looking at me, I sighed. I knew I had to explain.

"She said you had her scared an that, what that all about?" He asked with a hint of anger in his words.

"I don't know do I, ask her" Noel said looking at me. Liam also turned to look at me causing my cheeks to go bright pink.

"You scared us last night when you came in" I said quietly.

"Why? I werny that bad was I?" He asked laughing although little 16 year old liam looked pissed as fuck.

"NOEL! You couldn't stand up mate, that's every night this week you got high and you scared me! your eyes were rolling like bowling balls all over the gaff" I sighed. Noel just looked at me wide eyed as did Liam.

"I did not" he said. Here we go, mister I'm always right.

"NOEL YOU DID" I said making my head pound.

"You were drinking too last night Sal" he said.

"Yeah but I wasn't high, again"

"You were pissed though"

"Not pissed enough, I still knew that you were far too drunk and far too high"

"What are you me mam?"

"No but I'm sure your man would be happy to know you spend your days and nights sniffing anything that will for up your nostril." I sighed back.

"Mate she's right, you look a mess" Liam teased. Noel responded by sticking his fingers up and telling him to fuck off.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now