throwing it all away

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I was on the train to london within half an hour. My cheek still stung and my eyes were soar from all the crying I was doing. Noel said he would meet me at the station, he was there for 2 nights, another in Birmingham and Liverpool before a night in Manchester. I would stay with Noel till I manages to get a hold of Liam.

The ride down to London was 6 hours and with every second that passed I felt more and more guilty for walking out on my mum but she deserved it. She was the one that ripped our family apart. Always on my dad's back about how if they were better parents Leo would have been alive, telling him a lot of shite that made him guilty before he left is and now she was doing it to me but I wouldn't let her, I would leave before she got to do that with me, I would rather fucking burn in my own self pity before I let her drag me down like she did Leo.

I fell asleep as i passed the border and woke up when i was approaching the station. I got of the train and walked out onto the platform and walked outside. I was about to find a payphone to call Noel and let him know I was here when he grabbed me from behind startling me. He didn't look happy at all.

"What the fuck Sally?" He said harshly, I had seen Noel angry but never at me, his eyes burned into mine.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Your mams worried sick, she thinks you've gone and done something stupid" he said pulling me to the van.

"How do you know?" I said.

"I called her Sally, she was crying down the phone saying y'just left, yer luckey I told her you were on her way here 'cause she was about to call the coppers and report you missin'" He slid the door to the van pushing me in. I was greeted with 4 other people looking less than happy to see me.

"Why did you call her, you should've let the bitch worry" i steered at him as he climbed in the front. He turned to look at me.

"I made a promise to myself after your brother died that I would make sure you two would be safe always and just because your mad at her doesn't mean I am" he stopped taking a breath.

"You think this is my fault? She fucking hit me, this black eye isn't just make up you arsehole" I shouted. "Aye but she was happy enough to accuse me of fucking you and Tony behind Liams back ain't she"

Noel went quiet along with the other people in the van. Who all looked very awkward.

"Why didn't you call our kid then?" He asked looking at me.

"I don't know, he's just as thick as me, I didn't even know if you were in the country Noel" I said leaning back as the van pulled away.

"Your not staying wi' us, your getting on a train home tomorrow, am I fuck taking you with us" I scoffed.

"I'm not going home, she's not driving me to death to"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SALLY" he screamed making me and the rest of the car jump.

"Your going home when we leave London, to Glasgow," he said. I glared at him as he looked out the window.


We got to the hotel and Noel told his room mate to find somewhere else to sleep and with the mood he was in no one was bothering him. He left to go to work and left me in the hotel room alone. I called Liam as soon as he left.

"Liam?" I asked as the phone got picked up.

"Sally darlin, where have you been, where are You?" Peggy asked.

"I'm fine, I'm in London with Noel" I said.

"With Noel?" She asked.

"I called him after I bought my train ticket, told him I was coming down, I'm sorry for scaring y'all Peggy" I said.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now