your shades dont hide your high

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We had 20 minuets before we left when liam came stoating through the hotel doors. We were all in the lobby waiting on the cars to come. He was still in last night's clothes, sunglasses on, still drunk, he tried to slip by but Lennon looked up and saw Liam.

"Daddy" Lennon said running up to him. Liam leaned down and hugged him close.

"Sup kiddo?" He said. I walked over picking Lennon up ignoring him call for Liam and walked away. I hadn't even gotten into this shit and I was already done. I knew I shouldn't have came on this tour. Tony picked up my bags and followed me.

Lennon was crying now but I could see right through Liam and he had still been drinking today and probably still sniffing too. I strapped Lennon into the van with Noel and Bonehead.

"Ain't you coming?" Noel asked as he held Lennon who was still crying.

"I'm going to speak to Liam, I'll see you at the airport" I said. Noel nodded and kissed my cheek as I shut the door and watched them drive off. I stormed back into the hotel and straight up to our room I walked in slamming the door behind me making Liam jump.

"Fucking hell Sally calm down" Liam said.

"You fucking asshole, you absolute dick'ead" I said flying for him. I was slapping his arms as he fended me off.

"Sally stop" he said.

"You fucked this up, the one thing you promised me was that you would make sure he didn't see you like that, your a mess" I said. Attacking him again.

"Fuck off Sally" he said getting angry.

"I will, I'm taking Lennon home" I said.

"Like fuck you are, that's my kid too" he said.

"Yeah, then why was he crying earlier thinking that you hated him for being scared last night? He though you had left because of him" I shouted.

"You can't just chop and choose when I get to see my kid" liam shouted.

"I did it long enough on my own and I'll do it again because having me be there for him all the time was better than him witnessing his dad off his head most of the time" I said. I went to leave but liam stopped me.

"Sally I'm sorry" he said. Realising how he had fucked up he strpped towards me.

"I dont care Liam, I'll see you in a few weeks when you get home" I said.

"Sally wait ok, I really am sorry," he said as he grabbed my arms and held them above my head as he pushed me onto the door.

"Sorry doesn't fix it Liam" I said. He leaned into me. I felt my heart racing, why did liam have this effect on me? Why was I constantly feeling this way, I was supposed to be mad at him right now but not an inch of my body didn't react to him being so close.

"I really really am sorry Sally Cinnamon, I love you" he said kissing my neck. I was a gonner, he knew that was a weakness and he used it. I melted into his hands.

"Liam..." I tried to get him to listen but his high was still there and the alcahol in his system blocked it out. He let my hands go as he wrapped his arms around my middle. My hands flew into his hair, I hated myself so much right now for allowing him to do this too me.

The truth was I couldn't keep away from him. His unpredictability and the way he carried himself. The danger of it all drew me in and I couldn't stop it. I pulled his hair hard as he moved away from my neck before I pulled his lips to mine. He moaned and rutted his thigh into mine, as much as I wanted to let him fuck me senseless I had to will myself to get him off me. I pushed him away and he looked down

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now