beauty and the bitch

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November 1999

Being on tour again with liam was amazing, seeing him in action and him and Noel enjoying life was amazing, being there beside him was better. They had 14 dates spanning over 3 and a half weeks and we were 9 dates in. The band had a few days off so we gad time to party a little before the last leg of the tour.

The usual went down, the drink, the drugs, the sex the rock and roll life stile the press clamed they lived it was all real, and yet it was nothing like they said. It was fucking better.

Liam had me in the the back of the taxi, we were on our way to the club, Noel and Meg were even enjoying themselves for a change.

"We should just go back to the hotel" Noel said. "Have a time of it with the rest of them there" he added.

Liam was too busy chewing on my neck to care and to be honest i wasnt really in the mood for a club now. "Take us home then Noeley" i said. Liam giggled into my neck. I smiled and turned my head as he moved his lips from my neck to my lips.


Once we got to the hotel we went to the hotel room where noel had booked out, it had become a thing where they booked a "party room" so the band didn't end up sleeping in liam and noels room because of the mess that they made in there own rooms.

It was strange now that bonehead and Guigs aren't here. It was two new guys gem and Andy who were nice enough people but they just weren't bonehead and Guigs, same for liam and noel, we were still adjusting to the new band. We knew they were leaving because they said that would finnish making Standing On the shoulder of giants and then they were leaving.

I was sitting on liams lap next to Noel, Meg was in the corner having a fag. The room was filled with other people, girls that were groupies, roddies, other celebs. It all was getting out of hand. I could see Liam getting more and more pissed off and Noel was just looking fucking bored. I decided to have a line to brake the tension.

I turned around still on Liams lap and and faced forward. I sniffed the line up, breathing really as soon as I did. I smiled to myself as i felt the farmiliar buzz. Let the party begin.


Liam threw me on the bed as i giggled. We had been taking full advantage of no kids and hadn't spent a moment now touching each other. I missed the freedom of no kids. I remembered my teenage days i spent with liam smoking weed and fucking till his balls went numb. I loved my kids but having them was the best thing that I could have wished for. They make life a little more... normal.

Liam was kissing my neck and licking at the area between my neck and a shoulder as he dragged his hand up my side trying to remove my clothing. I lifted my arms and giggled as he threw them off.

"You're fucking amazing, I love you" he whispered into my skin making my hairs stand up.

I had my legs wrapped around his as he unbuckeled his jeans and pulled them down far enough to get his cock out. Ahh, nothing like a nice round of half dressed, high flying, drug riding sex.

He managed to get my pants down and grunted as he positioned himself. I grabbed his jaw hard as he pushed into me. He might be a sloppy drunk but somehow even shit half dressed drunk sex was amazing with him.

He holds my hips down and kisses me agressivly as he thrusts into me. My heart pounds with his fast pace. I felt euphoric. I felt amazing. I felt totally in love. I held liam close to me. Letting his tounng totally take over my mouth.

I took a deep breath as i felt myself let go with liam following me close after. It was sloppy and quick but it was amazing.

"I love you" I whispered into liams ear. It was too late he was totally zonked on top of me. I sighed and wrapped myself around his heavy weight. I loved him more then anything in the world next to my two kids. I was nervous for the wedding but i knew it was the right thing to do. I loved him and I wanted to be with him forever.

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