he tought me how to fly

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We ended up going to a crowded club to dodge paparazzi. Liam held my hand as we got out the taxi. We walked right up to the front barrier and the bouncer saw liam and let us in. "Drinks?" He shouted over the music. I nodded. He dragged me over to the bar and ordered what we were having.

"Tequila an' milk and a tin an' tonic" he said. Good job it was the usual bar man thats been serving liam since he was 15. It still amazed me that when he didnt have the taquila with milk he got sick.

"Sure thing Liam, wheres the brother?" The barman asked.

"Aye hes married with a kid now he aint got time to clubbing anymore" he shouted over the music.

"True that brother, dont you have a few little yins now?" He asked as he shook liams drink up.

"There at me mams for the weekend. Let me and Sally have a night out" Liam replied paying for the drinks.

"You and her still together? Though you two had split up?" He asked.

"Nah but we have the kids and that so we stay mates" he lied smiling at me and i smiled back.

"Nice one, need anything just take it I'll start a tab mate." The guy said as we turned to go to a booth. Usually we get the VIP lounge but i fidnt see the point, we were just having some fun, pretending we were underage and back in the 80s again.

"You alright?" I asked Liam, he still had that thing with tight spaces due to the incident.

"Im fine, just drink up yeah" he smiled as he drank his drink down in one go. I followed suit doing the same as we walked into the crowd. The manchester club scene was madness, it was all of the good shit that was playing, all the big DJs playing clubs.

"Come with me yeah" liam said grabbing my wrist and making a b line for the toilets. He pushed the door open and dragged me in. He pushed me into a cubicle, i had no idea what he wanted but then he pulled a bunch of pills out his pocket.

"Liam what the fuck" i whisper shouted.

"Its just E babe, were in a club man live a little" he said taking two out. He popped one and offered the other too me. I shrugged, might as well right.


We were on out way to the second club when some guy pushed into Liam. Liam staired him down but i kept pulling him along. Both of us were buzzing off the pills and the alcohol.

Soon we arived, we hadnt been to this club in a long time. It was more of a younger people scene this club but i was having it tonight. Fuck sake 25 is still young aint it?

The place was packed full of sweety teens and the music was drowning out any other sound. Liam dont the same as he did last time. To the bar, we ordered a full bottle of Sambuca and some mixers for a table since we managed to pay some kid to give up his booth. The booth was right in the corner of the club. Liam and i popped another pill before drinking. At this point we were buzzing off eachother.

"Your beautiful" he said in my ear as i blushed.

"Your not bad yourself Gallagher" i said back. He smiled and leaned down kissing my cheek.

We danced, drank, got high and kissed. Before we knew it we were heading to an after hours club that was sort of a big thing for liam since Noel and bonehead came up with the idea. Its a club that's open till 10 in the morning. Liams old mate runs it and well, Its not exactly legal.

We got there and liam was greeted with his mates we got into the club and it was pretty well set up. Liam and i were sitting with some other girls and liams mates too as the morning was coming.

"Com'ere" liam said as i scooched over he kissed me hard on the lips. I smiled, maybe i didnt make such a bad choice.


I woke up in bed, rubbing my head and looked over too see a very much naked Liam. My head was pounding and i couldnt remember anything after leaving the second club. I stood up and stumbled to the toilet. I did one of those lasting minuets pisses that make you proper bored.

"Alright?" Liam asked as he appeared (with boxers on now) at bathroom door.

"Im fine." I smiled.

"Hurry up i need a piss too" he said. I nodded.

"I cant help how fast i piss" i said. Before i finaly finnished. As i stood up and went to walk out the room liam grabbed me and pulled me into him. I smiled as he put his hand under my chin and kissed me.

"I love you" he said as he bopped my noes. I laughed and kissed him again.

"Love you too dick'ead" he laughed as he went to piss.


So this was a short chapter, i hope you guys are all enjoying this fic, im hoping to keep it going but im also working on another fic too. Prompts are open for requests too ✌ ~ Magz

(Filler chapter, next one has a 2 year jump so get prepaired for that)

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