the longest push is the last yard

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The first thing i did after picking the kids up was head home, i couldn't avoid it forever, even if i wanted too. Noel was right, i had to talk to him about it, even if it means that i have to move out or find a flat that was close so the kids could stay with Liam.

All these thoughts running through my head were making me feel Sick. I smiled at lennon as he slid his hand into mine. He was more and more like his dad every day. A sweet boy whos heart was always on offer, even if his attatude was getting more and more like Liams which pissed me off.

"Dads put the pool our for you" i said smiling to Lennon who smiled back softly.

"Cool" he said. I could tell something was wrong with him but i couldn't tell what. He had grown out of his small years. He was almost 8 now, he looked much more grown up than only 8 though. He had his dads hight not mines. I was only little, Liam towered over me at times.

I reached the front door and opened it praying that the woman was gone. I didn't want her around my kids when i hardly knew her, and even then i didn't know if i wanted her around.

God must have answered my paryers because Liam was sitting in the same spot i left him. Diffrent beer though.

"Alright kid" Liam said to Lennon. Lennon just shrugged and walked up to him giving him a big hug. "Whats up with you ey?" Liam asked looking at me. I shrugged.

"Nothing" he said quickly.

"I got the pool out for ya. Though you could call your mate to come over" liam said. Lennon smiled.

"What Freddie?" He asked excitedly. Liam nodded.

"Thanks dad" he said hugging Liam. I smiled.

"His number is on the kitchen table, you can call him yourself if you like" i said. Lennon nodded and skipped away as i took Flo out of her pram.

"Em Sal, i think he should em... have a chat" he said. I looked at him as he did that thing where he rubs his noes to act hard but hes actually shitting himself.

"About?" I asked setting Flo in her high chair next to Liam.

"About us" he said. I stopped and looked at him.

"What about us?" I asked.

"I need tell you some stuff and i need to you hear me out and tell me how you feel" he said. "I dont do this shit Sally but i need to now" he said.

"Why, because if were over your going to get with that lass that was round earlier?" I said. He sighed.

"No, because i want to know if it's time for us to move on and stop pretending like we're not in love" he said.

"Whats the difference?" I said holding my hand on my hip.

"Look, i just want to know where i stand, i want to know if you're planning on taking me back or if this is it for us" he said rubbing his head.

"Why should i take you back Liam? Tell me that"

"Because i might have broken your heart a million times, and im sorry for that, but no one can love you like i can" he said. Making me gulp because i wasnt expexting that. "I know you better then you know yourself and im sorry that i was a dickhead but you know thats me"

"So i should take you back so you can do it again?"

"You should take me back because im giving you everything i have Sally, i love you and im sorry that you're feeling like this but im broken up about it too, you knew what you were getting into the moment you took me back and dont pretend you didnt" he said. Telling me everything i already knew.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now