It's just my skin

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November 1999

I woke up to arguing and at first thought it was Liam and Noel. I hadn't opened my eyes due to my killer headache. I soon realised the smell was too sterile to be the bathroom of a hotel, and the beeping noise beside me.

"Mr. Gallagher I can't let you in" a man said. A hospital, I'm in a hospital.

"You what? That me fuckin' wife in there" Liam shouted.

"Look Mr. Gallagher were following the rules right now, you can't go in." The (What i assumed was) doctor was firm.

"Do you know who the fuck i am" he said. "You let me in that room or I'll snap your kneecaps man, I'm not fucking playing around" he practically screamed.

"Keep your voice down, you can't go in and that's that, come back tomorrow when shes been questioned." The doctor said.

Questioned, what the fuck was I being questioned about? I was so confused.

"Liam" i spoke. Silence. "Liam" I shouted.

"Sally?" Liam said panicking. "Look mate shes shouting on me, I gotta check her" he was panicking. So was I. I had no idea what was happening. Where was Noel? Why was I being questioned?

"Liam?" I called again.

"Look please mate 5 minuets." I heard Liam said. I could imagine his puppy face and his blue eyes glistening under the white lights.

"5 minutes, and if you get cought then you're not to say you were given permission" the doctor whispered. Before i could blink liam was beside me holding my hand and stroking my hair.

"What's going on Liam?" I asked as my eyes filled with tears. I was scared. I had no idea what had happened.

"Sally, its all gonna be ok babe" he said comforting me, he was sad, he didn't look like he had much sleep. "You're pregnant, there keeping you in for observation, they want to know how you got into a fight and who with. Me, Noel and Meg already explained whats happened but they said they need to ask you the questions" he said softly.

I blinked as the tears rolled down my face. Liam was quick to wipe them away. "How far along?" I asked.

"4 weeks" he said softly. I sniffed.

"Is it ok?" I asked. Liam looked to the side, unable to look me in the eyes.

"They're running tests but said it should be fine" he said. "She's gone home" he said.

"Who's gone home?" I asked.

"Meg, Noel sent her home after she was questioned." Liam said. "They're running tests on you too" Liam sighed. I squezzed his hand and let out a sigh.

"Liam, the drugs" I said quietly. He still wouldn't look at me.


I was free to go two days later. Me and Liam hadn't spoken much but we were on the first flight home to see our lawyer.

After they found drugs in mine and liams system the doctors reported us and I was questioned by the police. I dropped the charges against Meg after I was told it was my body reacting to the drugs why i passes out.

The police told us we would be referred to child services once home because i was endangering an unborn child. The whole situation was a mess. Liam was more sad than mad.

After we got back we went to London. The kids stayed with Peggy a little longer while we sorted this out. I was more than ashamed and scared. I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know what I had gotten myself into.

The lawyer told us he has set a date right away with child services to make it a little easier. This allowed us time to get our story strait. i pregnant but since the fetus was under the legal abortion time that I probably wouldn't be investigated.

They would also question is about Lennon and Florence. I panicked at that but was assured that he could get us off with regular drug tests for a while and that would be it.

Liam stayed quiet most of the time. I held his hand the whole time but he was like he was after his incident a few years ago. Like he had turned off. All that was left was his shell.

We would have an appointment in a month from now with the lawyer and a person from CSIT.

That night we went home and I went straight to bed. It was devistated. That was not how i planned things to go. I felt stupid. I heard Liam on the phone a while later. "She's gone to bed" he said.

"I'm scared" he said quietly. "I was suposed to take care of her and look where we are." He said. I closed my eyes and listened.

"Another baby Noel, I just, I don't know if we're ready for that" he sighed.

"I'm not saying that, I just don't know what to say to her? How do i tell her that?" Liam said. I heard his voice brake. I knee he was scared but i stayed in bed ignoring it.

"Look I'm gonna come over, I just, I can't stay here t'night" he said shakily. I sighed to myself. I squeezed my eyes Shut to stop tears. Before long i was asleep but not before I heard Liam leave.


I woke up the next morning alone. Liam was at Noels obviously. I could here press outside. The story was probably front page. People probably thought i was a monster. I didn't want to find out if that was true. I pulled the covers over my head and burried my head in my legs that I had pulled up to my chest.

I had so much pounding around in my head. Liam didn't want this kid. I could have lost my two babies over this. I could have lost this child. Then I would feel even worse than I already do. I thought about life with another kid and just kept thinking about how happy we could be.

Liam probably wanted me to get rid of it anyway and if that was the case then i don't know what I would do. I couldnt live with that on my mind. I tried to weight the pros and cons and just kept comming up with cons.

My head was pounding and my eyes got heavy, soon I was sleeping again. I knew i wasn't sleeping or dreaming when I felt a dip in the bed. Whoever it was pulled the covers of gently and I screwed my eyes Shut. Not ready to talk about this to liam.

"Sal" liam whispered. He rubbed my cheek. "Sally i know you ain't sleeping" he said. I opened my eyes but didn t look at him. "I'm sorry" he said. I nodded.

"What are we going to do Liam?" I whispered trying my hardest not to cry. He didnt speak, instead he just grabbed me and pulled me into him. I gripped onto the front of his t shirt with dear life.

"I dont have the answers Sally but i know one thing for sure, I love you. I always have and I'm pretty sure I always will. In two weeks we get married, then we worry about everything else as it comes." He said as his thumb rubbed my back.

"Can I ask you something?" I said as I relaxed into his touch.

"Anything" he said.

"Do you want this kid?" He lay still not moving, the sighed and looked into my eyes.

"Honestly?" He asked. I nodded. "No" he replied.


So two chapters in 2 days after my long dry patch, writers block had me good but i think I'm over it. I wanna thank everyone for reading so far. I'm hoping to keep this goig for as long as i can, I like this story.

Feel free to check out my imagines and mixtape of you're enjoying it so far 👌

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