a dream, maybe

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I woke up the next day and sat up immediately when I heard Lennon cry. I looked over and Liam wasn't there. I felt my heart stop. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. Liam was standing in the living room trying to calm him down. As soon as Lennon saw me he ran to me.

"Mummy" he cried I picked him up and patted his back.

"You have a kid?" Liam asked. I sighed, not knowing what to say I just nodded.

"Who's the man mummy?" Lennon asked calming down. I didn't know what to say.

"He's mummys friend kiddo" I said. Lennon burried his head into my neck and I sighed.

"He scared me" Lennon whispered low enough for Liam not to hear.

"I know kiddo" I put him down and he stayed behind my leg. Hiding away from Liam. Liam stood still not knowing what to do.

"Lennon why don't you go and play in your room for a while." I said. He nodded and ran away, not looking at Liam. Who stood still, as if he was in shock.

"How old is he?" Liam asked.

"Five next month" i said. Liam stood calculating it in his head.

"I think I... i have to go" liam said. He ran into my room grabbing his shoes. I guess now I know how liam would have reacted. He ran out the door slamming it shut.


I knew as soon as he got back to the hotel I would get a phone call from someone. I knew in the back of my head it would have been Noel but I never in a million years thought he would be mad or angry at me for this, no one even knows the story.

The phone rang and I answered it before the voice came bellowing down.

"Are you mad?" Noel shouted. I sighed, relieved it wasn't Liam.

"Noel I..." He cut me off.

"A fucking kid? That's what this was all about" he shouted. I knew I had to let him rant this out so I stayed quiet.

"Five years you had to tell him, or at least try, HOW COULD YOU? That's a kid, his kid and you've just kept him in the dark for all these years." Noel shouted.

"He didn't EVEN ASK IF HE WAS HIS" I protested.

"He's FIVE, YOU GUYS WERE TOGETHER, of course that kids his, is that why you came back? To get a piece of this life by using the kid?" Noel was harsh, and angry and I understood why.

"Not about this NOEL. I didn't tell him, he turned up at my door in the middle of the night before crashing at my place. I didn't want to tell him but HOW Do you hide a four year old crying kid from him? I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO KNOW FOR FUCK SAKE" I shouted at the end angry Liam didn't even ask questions.

"Look we don't kneed anything from you or him, the balls in his court now if he wants to see his son that's fine and if he wants nothing to do with him that's fine too" I said calmly.

"Your a fucking bitch, how did you even decide he didn't deserve to know he had a kid on this earth?" Noel was pushing it.

"I decided he wouldn't want to know after he told me he wanted nothing to do with me after accusing me of shagging you!" I was fuming.

"Well if this is the little cunt you turned into no wonder he wanted fuck all to do with you." Noel said before hanging up. I put the phone down and started breathing heavy.

"Mummy, why were you shouting" Lennon asked as he ate his cereal.

"I just wansnt happy with who was on the other side kiddo." I told him.

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