A little surprise

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# this is where shit gets good# #also not edited because it's late#

The next day Sally did wake up, she said goodbye to Peggy before she left for work. She ignored liam the whole time she packed. She went round everyone saying goodbye, especially Tony and Guigs.

She popped into the graveyard before she left saying goodbye to Leo for good this time. If she was to get over liam she couldn't come back here. Not with the memories they shared. She left a message with Noel explaining what had happened and that she wanted them to lose touch too. She couldn't stay in touch with Noel and not Liam. She was nothing less than hartbroken.

After getting home to Glasgow she was heartbroken. She couldn't deal with the pain of not having Liam in her life. She just wanted him to call her and say he was sorry. After a few months she noticed the sickness wasn't stopping and her mother did too. It didn't take long for her to visit a hospital. Let's just say her and her mother were both less than happy to find out she was 8 weeks pregnant. Her heart was in her mouth. What was she going to do? She couldn't have a kid.

Her mum wanted her to tell liam and make him take responsibility for his part in this but she couldn't do that. That wasn't the deal, he wanted nothing to do with her. She honestly at this point loved him so much she hated herself and him. Noel had phoned a few times against her wishes about the stone roses gig but she didn't go.

Tony had told her that Liam had moved on quicker than she could have guessed. It was Liam and he never was one for waiting around. Her mum wanted her to get rid of the baby, a part of her did too. What would she do? Raise a kid on her own with no help or money?

She thought for another week about it before her mum sat her down and told her that she had to make a choice and eventually young Sally decided to keep it. She had too, she couldn't live with it if she had to get rid of it. She also decided to keep liam in the dark. It was what was best for everyone. Including her child.

Months went by without word from Manchester, they had moved house so they wouldn't get phone calls from anyone. Sally had meet up with a few young parent groups and found out that there was help for her if she needed it. She finally found out that she was in fact having a boy. It left a pang of guilt in her heart that she would raise this kid without a father.

Her mum would bring it up every few weeks. "Are you sure you don't want to let him know Sally" she just nodded and told her mum to drop it. Somehow she kept thinking about what Noel would think if he found out she had hidden this from Liam.

Another part of her knew liam couldn't raise a child. She wouldn't want the child to grow up feeling rejected like she did when her father left. She knew in her heart that Liam had to know but she was already 7 months gone. She hadn't heard from anyone and no one had heard from her.

She was finally free from her lust over liam and her anger that he decided not to keep her in his life. She was glad he did because this situation would be a whole lot worse. She had made a kid of friends who were willing to help her out and she was glad of it. Her best friend Jamie was also a young mother. She was 19 and has a 5 month old son called Elliot. She was glad for the company.

Jamie had given her a lot of tips about being a young mother and she wouldn't know where she would be without her help. She told Jamie all about Liam and why the father wasn't around but unlike Sally, Jamie has a husband, they got married at 17 after saying it was young love and all that sort of malarkey.

She knew what she had ahead was a long bumpy road but she had faith that she was doing the right thing.


I woke up with a pain shooting up my back . It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I let out a scream and my mum came running in. "mam I think he's coming" i cried. I could feel the tears, I knew this was wrong I still had 5 weeks to go. My mum sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"Your ok darling just breath." She said.

"Its too early mum, he's too early."

"Hay, don't worry ok, it's nothing to worry about okay, just breath in and out." She said, I let out a scream and felt water run all down my legs, I cried harder knowing this was the easy part. The harder part was still to come.

My mum phoned an ambulance and then phoned Jamie to let her know. It was half past 9 in the morning and the doctor told me it could be hours before I give birth. All I could think about was Liam. How could he do this to me? At the same time, he had no idea. My emotions were running wild. I was on gas and air for now as my mum held my hand told me it was going to be ok.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" She asked. I shrugged.

"A few" I said. "Not picked one yet." I said. My mum waited for me to tell her.

"I was thinking either Dylan, after Bob Dylan or Lennon, after John Lennon but then I was thinking that I want to call him something different and I was thinking Joans." I said. My mum thoughts a second and smiled.

"Like the guy from the rolling stones?" She asked, I smiled and nodded. Tonthought for another second. "What about Lennon Jones?" She said.

"Lennon Jones Ramos" I said, my mum frowned.

"Ain't you calling him Gallagher?" She asked. I never thought of it. It wouldn't be right to call him gallagher after a man who never knew he existed.

"Lennon Jones Gallagher" I said. I smiled softly at the though that we could have been a happy family. All of a sudden I felt more pain and I screamed loud. The doctors came wmrushing in. Apparently it was time.


After 16 hours of labour and 2 hours of crying over him i managed to decide his second name. I would call my son Gallagher but not for Liams sake, for my child's bacuse one day he's going to grow older and ask about his dad and I don't want to lie.

Lennon Jones Gallagher was born on the 22nd of August 1989. And he was the most amazing thing on the earth to me. He had baby blue eyes, he had a head of blond hair and a little button Noes . I cried every time I looked at him bacuse I couldn't believe he was mines.

I was kept in for a few days and had Jamie and her husband come visit me with there baby who was now 9 months old. I kept watching the door expecting my dad or Leo or Tony to walk through the doors but nothing. Inwas finally allowed home after a week as Lennon was healthy and he was beautiful.

I vowed that day I would always protect him and do what's best for him but I also knew this would be hard. I just wanted to love him no matter what but even at a day old all I could think of was how much like his father he was. And if that the case? How much of his father would he be like?

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