nothing lasts forever Liam

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*here it is, the start of the end for liam and Sally... or at least for now* also I haven't edited this yet 😘

They say when you think your having the best days of your life you should enjoy them while it lasts because soon they will end. Well right now im doing that because life couldn't get any better. I'm 16 years old and I feel like I'm having what would be the best days of my life.

Christmas was amazing, we had a huge dinner before Noel had to head back on the road. Liam got me a bracelet that had his initials on it and I got him some vinyls I new he didn't have. His mam got me some clothes and that which was cool because I knew she didn't have much. We managed to make it the whole week without arguing.

Liam couldn't keep his hands off me and I knew it was because he missed me, I missed him too. I spend boxing day with all the gang and that was amazing too. Tonys kid was so cute and I couldn't believe how amazing he was, He had a mop full off hair and he was so cute. Tony was a good dad too. Bonehead had started dating this girl called kate who was super pretty for bonehead.

I just wanted to stay in bed with Liam for the day and watch movies on the tv his mam had gotten him and Noel for Christmas. We watched what movies he could get off the neighbours and we spent the 27th all cuddled up in bed. I had phoned my mum and we spoke about a lot and she said she was sorry and that was that fixed but I still didn't want to go home.

I wanted to stay here with Liam but I knew I couldn't do that to Peggy and i knew I couldn't do that to my mum either.

"Liam I'm starving" I said. He nodded in agreement.

"We could phone in a Chinese or sommit" he said smiling and I nodded. He nodded and kissed my head before going to phone us food. I was so tired it was unbelievable. For spending the day in bed I was shattered.


Food came and we savagely ate the lot. Me and Liam were about to go back up to watch another movie when the phone went. Liam picked it up and sighed when he heard the voice. "Yeah she's here where else would she be" he said.

"Keep your hair on you twat" he said handing he the phone and whispering 'our kid' before heading up stairs.

"Sally, you'll never guess who I just bumped into" He said. I furrowed my brows.


"Ian fucking brown" I smiled

"No you didnt"

"I fucking did"

"What was he like" I asked eagerly.

"He was sound, a bit off his tits but he was funny and that, I told him about you"

"No you didnt" I said shocked.

"I fucking did Sal, he was lauging his head off"

"Noel Gallagher I fucking love you" I said laughing.

"Yeah, I love you to sis. Now listen, Ian told me he's doing a gig in glasgow next year in February, I got you and a mate on the guest list" he said.

"No you didn't" I screamed.

"I fucking did Sally Cinnamon. You and Rkid could go, he could come up and meet ya and that" Noel suggested.

"NOEL I can't believe you, your Amazing" I said. I heard him laugh down the phone.

"I know sal" he said. We spoke for a little while longer before I hung up and went to tell liam. I found him hanging out his window having a fag.

"Guess what" I said wrapping my hands on his shoulders.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now