suited and .... booted

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June 1996

Time goes quick when your having fun. It's a fact, currently me and Liam were chilling in the house after a 3 week holiday, he whisked me and the kids away to some island in the Caribbean. It was sweet but we were all burning from the heat and most of the time liam was worried that he would miss Meg giving birth too.

We got home and an hour later we got a call from Noel. "Shes having it" he shouted down the phone. Me and Liam were running round like headless chickens to get to the hospital for her. And when Noel came running out crying me and liam cried too. "Its a girl, ive got a girl" he was crying. He and Meg named her Anaïs.

People miss understand them both. Liam especially. He was nothing like the papers say and if you get past the band them two are closer than anyone i know. They really put on this persona so people think that they're tough but deep down, there just two really soft guys who dont know how to take emotions.

I wish people saw liam like i did when he was on the livingroom floor playing with his daughter while pretending he knows how to help Lennon with his homework.

I smiled as i watched them. "But dad your well smart, help me with this yeah" Lennon said, his Manchester accent was faiding into a London one and Liam was laughing at his hybrid accent.

"Whats the question then."

"7×7+36÷6" Lennon told him. Liams head looked boggled.

"Just use a calculator" i told Liam.

"I dont need too use a fu... a bloody calculator" he said watching his language around Lennon since he got a letter home from school about his swaring in class.

Liam of course found this funny even though its not. I hadn't failed to notice Lennons attatude changing since Florance was born. We had to get away for a while since everyone was on our backs about telling the press. I had been in my fare share of magazines and papers since we got back together. I didnt want Lennon and Flo to be brought into that too and neither did Liam.

In an interview he done just after Flo was born he said something like "respect me privacy and stay away from me house for fuck sake, me missus just had a kid" and that was about as romantic he got when it came to interviews.

"Dad if you cant do it i can try it meself" he said. I smiled as liam glared at him.

"Ive got four GCSEs kid, i aint silly" he said and i burst into laughter.

"Least you got to finish school Li." I said. It wasnt a dig, we had gotten over all that, it was just a playful bash at him.

"See, im the smart one" Liam said.

"Are you what, mam can actually count to 10" Lennon joked.

"Well ask her to help ya then" he said. Lennon shrugged and brought his homework up to me. I was helping him while liam continued to play with Flo.


Liam and Noel were going to some night out, me and Meg decided to use this time to catch up, we haddnt had much chance since we both had kids now. Anaïs was a very cute child and her and Flo were going to be great mates growing up.

Lennon was spending the week with his Gran up in Manchester, since he wanted to spend time with Little Leo. He was getting big too. He was almost 8 and lennon was growing too fast lennon turned 7 this year too.

Liam hasnt spoken to Tony, none of the band have, its awkward but manageable. He aint mad at me hes mad at Noel. Me and Meg were in the kitchen drinking tea since we had the babys with us. We were waiting for the boys to come down stairs.

"Hows things going with Liam?" She asked. I shrugged.

"He aint perfect but hes defenetly not as bad as he was a month ago." I said.

"So have you set a date?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I dont want anything fancy. Same as you and Noel, the press get too carried away when its too big you know" i said. She nodded and smiled.

"Ours was small enough, just make sure you have a big party after. Liam will love that" she said. I nodded.

"Suppose" i said. As i said it i heard the boys coming down the stairs. We stopped talking as noel and liam walked in. My jaw dropped. They were in suits, something i was not expecting, i dont think i had ever seen liam in a suit apart from Leos funeral. He looked like a million bucks.

His blue eyes and bright smile made me feel like the luckiest girl alive. His shirt hugging him tightly and showing the contours of his body. I swallowed and looked over to Meg who was lookong at Noel the same way. The two men infront of us litteraly had is speachless.

"What wrong, do i look daft or sommit?" Li asked.

"No, you, you look gorgeous babe" i said. He smiled and walked up to me pulling me up.

"Not so bad yourself there skip" he said.

"Skip, excuse you do i look like a sailor" i asked.

"No but your going over board looking at me like that" he said. I blushed, with embarrassment.

"You make me sick Liam, all my life ive known you and this is the worst pick up line you've ever used" i laughed. He smiled leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

"Dont wait up yeah, ill probably be back late and that" he said as he kissed me again. I smiled and nodded. Ignoring the pit in my stomach as he walked away with Noel.

"Look after him Noeley" i shouted.

"Yeah yeah whatever man" he said walking away, me and Meg laughing at his responce to the nickname.


If i could give you one tip about dating a rock star. Its that you cant ever worrie about them. It only sets you into a swirl of pure anxiety and dispare. It wasnt even late yet. It was only 1, i know he said dont wait up but what else was i to do?

Truth was i couldnt wait till he came home so i could see him in that suit again. I couldnt get over it. Liam was someone that i would never stop admiring. Not hust his body but the way he carrys himself, his attatude, it all drew me in.

After all the day dreaming i heard the lock in the door. I braced myself for my drunken fience to stumble in. He'll probably be high too, not alot though because Flo was home. It didnt make it acceptable but hes got an image to uphold and all that shite.

"Sally, you still up?" He asked as he walked in seeong the TV on.

"Em yeah" i said as he walked in.

"Next time you gotta come with us, that were shite without ya" he clamed. I took a second. Liam, he was fucking sober.

"How come you ain't had a drink" i asked. He shrugged.

"Didn't feel like one did I" he said leaning over me and kissing my hair before sittin next to me. I looked over at him, his face was smooth and clean shaved. I swallowed as he pulled me into his side..

"Why aint you in bed anyway?" He asked. He knew the answer.

"I tell you all the time that beds too big without you in it" i said snuggling into his side.

Liam was a lot of things, he was arrogent and rude and he didnt give a fuck what anyone said about him but one thing was he knows when i need him even if it takes him a second to realise it. He smiled and let out a silent laugh. Pulling me in closer.

"I miss this" he said.

"Me too" i said back.

"When we get married yeah, we're gonna ship the kids off to me mam and spend like three weeks on holiday just me and you" he said. I smiled shaking my head at him.

"I cant wait ey," i said, "we'll end up being divorced by the end of the week man" i said. He laughed.

"Can live with us" he said

"Cant live wthout us" i mocked in his voice. He pushed me and i laughed. He held me in his arms till i fell asleep. I couldnt ask for a better man.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now