keeping on

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I was 2 weeks before I heard from any of the boys again. It was Liam who phoned me and it wasn't a pleasant call. It was to say that he was traveling up tomorrow to meet Lennon and take him out for the day since the band had another few gigs here. I wasn't happy but what could I do? I had kept him out of Lennons life to protect my own feelings and I didn't stop to think about how it would effect Liam.

Lennon was excited. He wanted to know all about his band and he wanted to hear him sing but I doubt Liam will go around singing without needing too. He was always too embarased to. "Mum do you think Liam will like me?" He asked.

"I'm sure he will chicken" I said tucking him into bed.

"Don't you like Liam mum?" He asked. I looked him in the eyes and told him the truth.

"I used to love your dad very much but things sort of got, well complicated" I said smiling softly at the innocent kid we had brought into the world.

"But do you still love him mam?" He pushed. I laughed at him.

"Some of me will always love him, because if it wasn't for you dad I wouldn't have you would I?" I said, he giggled and shook his head.

"I can't wait to meet him for real mum," he said giggling some more. He had a big cheesy smile like Liams too and the truth was, you couldn't even tell I was his mum but god strike me down Liam Gallagher was that kids dad.

"I'm sure he can't wait to meet you either kiddo, try catching some Zs and I'll see you in the morning." I said ruffling his hair.

"Night mam" he said in his Scottish/Manc Accent.

"Night kiddo" I said leaving the room.


Waking up at half past 6 on a saterday morning was no fun. Lennon was up and down all night asking if it was time yet and every time he woke up I regretted telling him he was going.

"Mam it's light outside, my dad will be here soon." Lennon said kicking my bedroom door open. I groaned and sat up to look at the clock.

"We won't be here till 12 Lennon it's still too early." I said.

"But I want a shower mummy" He said.

"Go back to sleep" I screamed into my pillow but Lennon just laughed and jumped on my bed and lay beside me.

"Can you make me pancakes?" he asked.

"No" I joked.

"French toast?"



"" I laughed.

"But mum I'll starve, I'll tell dad your starving me" he said. I chuckled.

"If you were living with him you would be living off pot noodles and take always, be thankful for what you have" I said tickling him.

"I LOVE POT NOODLES" He screamed as I tickled his feet.

"Ok, ok, i give up" he laughed. I let him go and he jumped into my arms hugging me tight.

After Lennon forced me out of bed and forced me to make him French toast he went for a shower, I got him dressed, he insisted he needed new shoes so we went into town for some. I didn't really have the money but he had been really good lately and he really wanted new shoes. All his other ones had worn out.

"What shoes does Liam wear?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know kid, you'll have to guess" I said. I did know, he wore anything adidas produced. Lennon wore a lot of adidas shoes but I always picked them out.

Sally can waitWhere stories live. Discover now