Part 12

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I read the article and laughed.

Another story, and this time .... girlfriend?

These papers don't stop with the rubbish they make up.

Okay yeah i bet aston did go out to some clubs after he left

me, he was itching to go all evening.

But taking some random girl back to his place... mm i don't 

think so.

'More rubbish' i said to the girls laughing.

I got out my phone and started to text aston.

Me -

[Aston, how is my gorgeous boyfriend today then? Xx]


[What you on about babes?! Axx]


[Haven't you seen the papers, your all over the news.. having a

valentines day collected girls!! Xx]


[Oh shit, not again! What papers it in? Axxx]


[The sun Xx]

'You texting aston?' amie asked.

'Yeaah, he hasn't even seen it yet though.. oo his management

are gonna love this!' i winked.

About an hour later me and girls had all finished nattering in

costa and me and danielle had a quick look around the shops,

i brought aston a couple of bits he had asked me to get and 

then we headed to the car.

As I got in the car I had another text from Aston...

Aston -

[How on earth did they get those pictures... i don't remember seeing

any paps follow to my house. Management is going to kill me: o Axxx]

[Your house?Xx]

Aston - [Yeah!! I kinda took a girl back there:s & they got a picture! Axxx]

So the papers were true?

I felt furious. 

I slammed my phone into my bag and began to drive the car.

I was soo angry with Aston, even thought it had nothing to do with me.

He could take who he wanted back to his.

I just worried about him.

He's in the public eye now, he could easily get himself a bad name.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now