Part 39

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It was Saturday morning and I was up bright and early because I had work. I wasn't too excited about today as it was my last day at the office before the big job change. I was going to have to say all my goodbyes and try my hardest not to cry.

I pulled myself out of bed and went into my en-suite to have a shower and get dressed. About an hour later I was ready and made my way down stairs for breakfast. 

Danielle was still asleep as I'm pretty sure she had nothing planned for today, I wasn't even sure if she knew about the meal Ast had planned for tonight.  

The day at work was dragging, I didn't really have anything to do accept clear all my office out and speak to my boss. I just wanted the day to end so I could get all the goodbyes over and done with, it was going to be so hard.

"need any help hun?" Stacey asked walking in.

"noo just about done, thanks"

She walked over to my desk and plonked herself down on the chair opposite mine.

"I'm going to miss you sooo much here, who am I going to talk to, go to lunch with and all that stuff, im going to be a right little loner"

"better start making some friends then" I winked.

"ha your very funny" she grinned back sarcastically.

It hit 5'o clock. Time for me to leave off work, I has said goodbye to everyone including my boss and there had been a few tears.

Me and Stacey walked out to our cars and she followed me home as she was coming back to mine to get ready for tonight and meeting Ty there.

"Danielle! We're back!" I shouted up the stairs. I had text Danielle earlier to make sure she knew about the meal and she said Aston had told her. 

"okay" I heard a quiet murmur back. 

Me and Stacey went up to my room to get ready, about an hour later we were all done. Hair, makeup, dresses! We were now waiting down stairs for Danielle and to also be picked up by our taxi.

We arrived at nandos a bit late so everyone was sitting down, everyone got up to greet us and then I plonked myself down next to Ast and Stacey the other side of me.

"thank you for organising all this" I whispered to Ast as conversations were flowing. 

"was no hassle" he smiled back.

"can't believe your actually leaving for good" Reesh spoke up.

"might not be for good" I laughed. "but yeah will be a while"

I felt Ast rub my leg under the table and then take my hand in his. I looked at him and smiled slightly as he did back.

"are you excited about leaving?" Chloe, JB's girlfriend asked.

"I guess so, but to be honest at the moment I don't want to leave, I'm sure I'll get use to it though"

The night was going good, we had loads of laughs, banter and jokes rolling. The whole time Aston clinging onto my hand as if, if he let go, I'd leave now and run away forever. 

I looked across the table to Danielle who hadn't said a word all night, she was messing about on her phone to make herself look busy.

JJ had tried to make conversation with her through the meal she wasn't really interested. 

I was getting slightly worried, I didn't know if it was still to do with me or she had something else on her mind. 

"Danielle come to the toilet with me please?"

"erh" she moaned.


"why do girls never go to the toilet on their own?" Marvin laughed as me and Danielle both got up.

"gets lonely" I grinned.

We made our way into the toilets where I stood In front of Danielle and held her shoulders.

"babe are you okay? You seem really down" 

"I'm fine"

"I know you too well and there's something playing your mind. I'm worried about you"

She looked from her reflection in the mirror back to face me.

"do you really think holding Astons under the table, playing footsie with him and giggling like an idiot is going to make him like you?" she suddenly snapped.

"what? Not this again Danielle, I thought we were over this"

I hated the fact that she was getting so bitchy with me lately about ASton.  I was trying my hardest to not take what she said to seriously as I was leaving soon so it didn't matter anyway, I just couldn't be bothered with her spitefullness.

"You brought me in here! I'm just telling the truth"

"i really don't see why mine and Astons friendship bothers you so much, but whatever I'm leaving Monday so you won't have to worry about it much longer" I said storming out of the toilets as she followed both acting as if nothing happened.

As we got out the others were all standing there ready to hit the clubs.

"babe" Ast said taking my hand pulling me towards him so he could speak. "You and Danielle are coming with me? I have my car so I'm not drinking, Marv, Reesh and Ty have their cars too" 

"okay" I said smiling turning to Danielle just to get the yea from her.

She didn't look me in the face, just turned straight to Aston. "I'm going to go home, bit tired Aston, thanks anyways babe, I'll see you all later" 

I left her to it. I couldn't be bothered to try and persuade her to come because she would just make it awkward for me.

"looks like its just you and me then" Aston smiled putting his arm round my shoulder as we all walked out to the Cars.

"you two would make quite a cute couple" Chloe grinned walking by us holding onto JB's hand.

" ew no!" i joked looking up at Aston.

"no but im being dead serious! Could you imagine the kids! Be little beauts!"

I looked from Aston and then to the floor...

"too bad I'm leaving then init" I laughed sarcastically.

"don't leave" I head Aston whisper in my ear pulling me closer to him.

I made out I didn't hear and just climbed in his car.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now