Part 46

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The next couple of days went quick but I was extremely busy. It was now Thursday and I was waiting for Jack to come over as we were going to spend the evening together just me and him before my house was full with people. Jack already hated Aston and he didn't even know him, he was with me when Aston called once letting me know the plans for when they arrived. They were all going to stay over mine for the first night and had a hotel booked for the rest of the week. Jack hated the idea and flipped out saying i shouldn't let people stay with me, especially not guys. I didn't see his problem, it wasn't even his apartment. I stuck up for myself which obviously he didn't like and gave me huge beatings up my arms. I stayed strong as usual and kicked it to the back of my mind. 

Me and Jack were both snuggled on the sofa eating pizza and watching a movie. I always felt on edge when I lie with him like this incase I say something that gets him angry and he flips out on me. So far so good though, he was just playing about with my fingers and kissing my neck. 

"we should get married (yourname)" he suddenly said out of the blue.

I sat up slightly really surprised at his comment.

"you would really want to get married?"

"yeah I guess! Something to do" he said half smiling.

"you shouldn't marry someone just for the sake of it, you've got to really be sure you love and care for them"

He just looked at me and then back to the tv.

"hm I guess your right"

... And that was all he said. No... I do love you so much, or your my world I couldn't live without you, just 'I guess your right.'

I felt hurt and unwanted, like I was just someone to mess about with. I pulled out of his arms and made my way in the kitchen to make a cup of tea and text Jessica.

[my friends from England are coming to America on Saturday! Really want you to meet them, you will have to pop round sometime when they are here :) xxx]

[oo yes! Would love to meet them too! By what you have told me about them, the sound lovely! Xxxx]

"who you texting?" I heard a voice say as I turned round to see Jack walking in the kitchen.

"just Jessica" I smiled.

"not texting a guy are you?" 

Jack always got suspicious with me like this, as in he didn't trust me. Whereas it should be the other way round, I just didn't have the guts to accuse him of anything because I knew how he would react. I also didn't dare check his phone because I knew I would see it all and I didn't want to, I didn't want to believe any of it was true. It would break my heart.

"nope, Jess is defiantly a girl" I said sarcastically passing him my phone to look. He soon passed it back to me when he knew I was right.

"should we go to bed?"

"yeah" I replied taking his hand as he led me upstairs.

The next couple of days soon passed and it was now Saturday morning. I promised Aston and everyone that I would meet them at the airport at lunchtime so I could lead them back to mine. I hadn't  heard from them since yesterday considering they were on the flight but I was absolutely buzzing to see them.

I got out of bed about 9 and went straight in the shower and got myself ready. Since being in America it didn't take me so long to get ready anymore considering I left my hair natural and wavy but still applied the same amount of makeup. The weather outside was soo boiling today so I was prepared to wear the coolest things I had, the only problem was I needed to cover the bruises that Jack had given me the other night so that I didn't worry the others when they saw me. I decided to just take a cardigan with me when I left as it covered them up beautifully.

I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast while I watched tv. The morning was dragging and I think it was because I was so desperate to see them all.  

By about 11 o'clock I was so bored! Nothing to do, I couldn't even go see Jessica as she was working and Jack was too, not that I was that keen on seeing him anyway.

I managed to occupy myself for a bit longer while I made the rooms up a bit nicer for them all and then took a trip to the shop to get in some more food. I felt so nervous and I didn't know why, these were my best friends, not complete strangers! I think it was the fact that I hadn't seen them for so long so they could have changed a lot since then. I knew they would probably notice slight changes in me, I was defiantly so much more independent now, I didn't rely on anyone for anything, I was happy to sort problems out myself. 

It was now half 12 and time for me to leave. I grabbed my keys, phone and cardigan and made my way to my car and headed for the airport.

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