Part 48

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Normal POV.

Later that night we were all sitting round eating pizza and watching loads of movies. Aston hadn't said a word to me since the whole scene with Jack and to be honest I didn't know what else to say to him. 

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and pulled it out and seeing Jack's name on the caller ID.

I declined it as I didn't want anymore drama, but knowing, actually this would cause more in the long run.

"Right I'm going to see if Jessica wants to pop round and meet you all, do you mind" I said pulling out my phone and sending her a quick text. They all agreed and said they did really want to meet her, so while we waited I went out into the kitchen to make some more snacks.

"I'll help" Stacey said getting up and following me, which obviously meant she wanted to talk to me about something.

"are you okay" she said as she stepped in the kitchen.

"course" I said nodding my head.

She just frowned at me and sat down up the breakfast bar.

"(yourname) I know I haven't seen you in 8 months but I can still tell when there is something bugging you! You don't seem yourself"

"I'm fine"



She gave me a glare like she wanted answers.

"Like you said I've been away for 8 months! I've become more independent, maybes that why I seem different" I said shrugging 

"What was all that with Jack? You never told us you had a boyfriend"

"I dunoo, just not something I ever brought up"

I could tell I was pissing her off, for a matter of fact I think I was pissing everyone off. They'd come to America to see the girl they all use to know and love 8 months ago, but I wasn't that girl anymore, I admit that. I had changed a lot and did put a lot of it down to independence. I know I couldn't blame all of it on that because I just felt so unhappy all the time and that was because of Jack. I felt like I loved him to pieces but he didn't feel the same. We had a great relationship when he wanted it to be but other times he was a complete dick.

"Okay fair enough you didn't tell me, but what about Aston? He had the right to know don't you think?" she said standing up slightly.

"why would I need to tell Aston?"

She looked to the door to make sure no one was walking in.

"you two were so close before you left, anyone would have thought you were a couple"


"he looks heartbroken!"

I looked at her and down to the floor...

"I, I know, I just...."

I paused unable to fight back at what she was saying anymore. 

 "erh me moving here has fucked everything up! It broke my heart leaving Aston and when I got here I missed him so much!" Stacey looked at me sympathetically, all ears.

"I missed his cuddles, kisses, how caring he was, he made me feel protected and I don't know... I just thought that being with Jack would mean I would get all that back, just with a different guy"

"and did it?"

I just shook my head.

Just as I was about to let out to Stacey everything Jack had done to me we were disturbed by a loud knock on the front door which I was quite pleased about. I didn't know if I wanted to tell anyone about what I have been going through, it didn't seem right, it would make it all seem more real.

"I'll get it!" I shouted walking through knowing it would be Jess.

I let her in and introduced her to everyone. They all seemed to be getting on really well so I popped back in the kitchen to finish the snacks followed by Aston this time.

"I don't need help" I smiled at him cheekily.

"I know, just thought I'd give you some company"

The kitchen fell silent and Aston just sat on the chair doing something on his phone while I grabbed bowls and plates.

"I have truly missed you by the way" I said walking over to him standing by his legs while he looked up at me.

"I know! Me too" he smiled.

It was awkward, all this felt awkward and I hated it! How did we go from being so close to so distant.



he said looking back up to me again.

"please don't do this"

"do what?" 

"your making me feel like a complete and utter bitch"

He didn't answer to begin with, just shook his head.

"why did you never tell me you had a boyfriend?"

Erh this was the question I didn't want! I couldn't just go ahead and say... Ooh because when I got with him I realised he was such a dick and he hits me all the time, makes me feel worthless and all that shit and thought it was best I didn't tell you...

He would flip out at Jack for sure.

"I don't know, just wasn't something I was going to bring up in conversation on the phone"


"Aston! What's with these questions?"

"answer me! Why?"

He looked either upset or angry, or maybe both.. I really couldn't tell.

"We barely ever talk now! If we do it's for like 2 minutes! Why would I waste that time telling you something like that!"

"I thought I meant something to you!"

I just looked down at his hands as he took mine in his and began to fiddle with my fingers.

"You do! Trust me, you really do! I just can't do the whole us thing, you know that right?"

He let go of my hands and went to stand up so I moved away from him.

"I'll take these through" he said walking into the lounge as I just stood there feeling like an emotional wreck.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now